HP PSU pinout question

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by jpowelso, Apr 1, 2010.

  1. jpowelso

    jpowelso Private E-2

    I saw a similar thread about this and I was hoping someone can help me find the answer. My problem is that I purcahsed a HP Z200 workstation for Autocad. The system has onboard video, so of course I am attempting to upgrade the video. My card is a Firepro V8700 which require 2 x PCIe auxillary connections. The Z200 power supply does not have these and of course the 800W power supply I was choosing to upgrade to will not work - machine doesn't even try to power on. I am finding that this machine has a proprietary Mobo and PSU - which has a strange pinout configuration. My vendor is trying to find us a power supply we can upgrade to - assuming a HP power supply and he needs the pinout config. This is what I need some help with.

    The PSU specs:

    320W Delta Electronics, Inc.
    80 Plus Gold PSU
    HP Part No# 502629-001

    Does anyone know the pinoput configuration for this PSU?

    Kind Regards,

  2. jpowelso

    jpowelso Private E-2

    This is a 20pin connector. I am unsure of the 4-pin connector config as well.
  3. Burrell

    Burrell MajorGeek

    This the only working web link i can find on this specific PSU, unfortunately the picture hides some of the cables.

    What was the make/model of the 800w PSU you tried?

    Do the connectors not even fit?

    If not, then which ones do not fit?
  4. jpowelso

    jpowelso Private E-2

    That HP PS is very close, although this has more SATA connectors.

    The power supply we are attempting to use is an 800W XION Model# XON-800P14N.

    I will attempt to explain this... the XION has a 20-pin / 4-pin connection. the 20-pin is labeled 20+ with a right arrow above the +. The 4-pin to make it a 24-pin is labeled 4P with a left arrow aboveit. The 4pin (i have two) that goes to the board is blue --- one is labeled CP and one is labeled U1. I have tried both.

    So yes, the XION PSU will connect up to the board, just no power. I can supply pictures of both PSU's.
  5. Burrell

    Burrell MajorGeek

    Please. Just the old one though, i found ones on the net of the XION.
  6. jpowelso

    jpowelso Private E-2

    Sure thing. I will have to upload it tomorrow as the machine is in use. I will post them in the morning. Thanks for your help!
  7. Burrell

    Burrell MajorGeek

    Great! It will just help me and others visualize the problem.

    I will be on in the morning,I should reply fairly quickly, even though it's my b'day!!!!! :celebrate
  8. jpowelso

    jpowelso Private E-2

    Happy Birthday!

    Here are some pics. They came out a little blurry, so let me know if you want some more closeups.





  9. Burrell

    Burrell MajorGeek

    Thanks mate.

    They look like standard ATX connectors to me.

    A 20 pin MB connector and a 4 pin CPU connector.

    I'm confused as to why they won't work. I'll see if i can get someone else to look at this.
  10. jpowelso

    jpowelso Private E-2

    Yea befuzzled me, my thoughts are maybe that it was something on the HP mobo preventing the other PS to work, or possibly... the fact that this is an Energy Star system, the HP PS being 80 Plus Gold certified. The XION is definately not Energy Star rated. :confused
  11. jpowelso

    jpowelso Private E-2

    Would the XION not having "Active PFC" be an issue?
  12. Burrell

    Burrell MajorGeek

    Just do this for me, some people will say this is a no-no, but i do it all the time and never have any problems!

    Get the 20 pin connector from the XION PSU, and attach something to one of its molex connectors.

    Then jump start the PSU, using this guide.

    Then we can determine if the PSU functions at all.
  13. jpowelso

    jpowelso Private E-2

    connected a spare ODD. Jumped the XION PSU and it still works. ODD opens and closes, I have nice blue LED's on the XION.
  14. pclover

    pclover MajorGeek

    Both shouldn't effect it

    It could just be a bad PSU. Hate to say it but a CD drive wont put much of a load on it. Could be a bad PSU that's effected by load.
  15. jpowelso

    jpowelso Private E-2

    I tred more than one PSU. They do not even attempt to power on the machine. The light on the Mobo isn't even lit. I also put the XION psu back in the Dell workstation it was intended for and it works. The XION PSU is only one month old. :)
  16. jpowelso

    jpowelso Private E-2

    One more thing I failed to mention. If you look at the color coding and arrangement of the wires on the 20-pin for the HP PSU and compare it to the color coding on the 20-pin for the XION, the wires are in a completely different order. Hence why I was requesting the pinout for the HP Z200's power supply if anyone knew.
  17. Burrell

    Burrell MajorGeek

    Standard ATX Pin layout, although manufacturers are not compelled to stick to it.

  18. jpowelso

    jpowelso Private E-2

  19. pclover

    pclover MajorGeek

    The CPU on the PSU doesn't matter. It's ATX12V Standard

    It's just an advertising thing.

    That PSU is good tho.
  20. Goatbert

    Goatbert Private E-2

    I apologize for the thread necromancy, but I can't PM the OP. I just wanted to find out if you ever had any luck - I got stuck with a Z200 at work and I want a card that will easily drive 2 monitors with good performance but I don't think anything that fits the bill will work with this power supply.

    Thanks, and sorry again for resurrecting an old thread.

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