i am an fng to forums

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by jayskis2001, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. jayskis2001

    jayskis2001 Private E-2

    i am new to this so i will get right to it. internet explorer keeps opening new browser pages on it's own. not pop ups in existing pages but entire new pages. how do i stop it.
  2. gimpster123

    gimpster123 Bring out the Gimp.

    Hello, and welcome to Majorgeeks.com

    Your pc is infected with malicious software (malware.) This thread is a complete step by step on how to get rid of it. Read and Run me first: Malware removal guide

    Follow the instructions step by step- if you have problems with the procedure, make a post in the Malware Removal Forum

  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's.

    Malware is one possibility so you would be advised to follow gimpster's advice.

    Good luck.
  4. shawneeoboy

    shawneeoboy Private E-2

    I had a similar prob, and although I didn't have this sites malware removal process at the time, I did use other malware removal programs, but it kept happening. So I started using Mozilla Firefox which is free, and I 've had NO not one malware problem since then. Even now, every time I have to use IE to download something, like from Windows Update, it still malfunctions in many ways, so I don't even use it for that, I do the alternative with Firefox.

    Good luck.
  5. gimpster123

    gimpster123 Bring out the Gimp.

    @ Shawn. IE should not be opening up on its own. A popup blocker *may* take care of the symptoms- but it does not fix the underlying problem.

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