i have read the forum rules and am unsure where i fit in

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by joe.08, Oct 8, 2007.

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  1. joe.08

    joe.08 Private E-2

    i was reading the instructions as to what we should do before posting.
    some of the steps im unable to do and im not entirely sure this is the right place to ask about my specific problem(wasnt able to describe it to google good enough)

    but here it is....:confused

    This might not be the most appropriate place for this but its been a nightmare googling for this specific problem and i was hoping either you all could help fix or point me in the right direction.

    So like a week ago i came home from school with no internet on any of my computers(2 wired one wireless).

    i unplugged my router and modem replugged, for a nogo.

    restarted all machines still nogo.

    the laptop i never use and stays completely powered down did and does have a connection (which ive only tried with all other machines powered down and a straight connection to the modem)...

    ...back to broken machines

    tried pinging the router for nojoy and ipconfig showed

    no specific dns suffix(usually reads... cox communications or something, but blank now)

    a strange ip address(began with something like 69..., usually 192....)

    normal subnet mask(i could be wrong)

    no default gateway (blank)

    Spybot s&d, Adaware, and avg free found nothing.

    as i mentioned earlier i had one machine completely powered down while the network pooped itself and is working internet wise


    stupid me...

    after running all those tests and searching the net on my one good machine i decided to plug the ntwork back up and run some commands without powering down my one good machine.

    interestingly enough...

    it all worked, every computer had internet connectivity so i surfed for a while (with glee... for like 20 minutes) thinking maybe i had inadvertently fixed the problem.

    but then the "limited or no connectivity" icon showed up on all of the original problem machines...

    so i went to old faithful (which i had failed to shut down earlier) and found it too had limited or no connectivity.

    since it had the least amount of programs installed and nothing important or hard to replace (and it came with a norton ghost disk) i went ahead and restored it to its original state (p.s. i tried restore points, on all machines, but that didnt help).

    also ive tried instead of formating and full reinstalls the "fix" or upgrade option... unfortunately the only fixes have come from full reinstalls.

    so far ive ghosted the laptop (earlier refered to as "old faithful" works fine now)

    reinstalled xp on one of the wired comps (works fine).

    tried booting from xp disk and repairing from command promt and the "upgrade option" for the other laptop

    tried restore points (all machines)

    not necessarily in that order.

    so two pcs fixed (not the way i wanted but they are)

    i dont have a problem reformatting the other laptop, but would like to fix it manually so i can get a better idea as to what i can do for my gaming rig which i really really really dont want to format.

    anyway i hope this makes sense to someone and like i started the thread if youre as clueless as me (as to what this could be) maybe you could mention this to some net wiz you know.. any and all help is appreciated.
  2. h4ckett

    h4ckett Private E-2

    Should probably be filed under network issues; I'm sure a moderator will take care of it.

    Are the ones that show limited or no connectivity able to connect to the internet when directly plugged into the modem (like the laptop did)?
  3. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    I'm sorry...I've read your post twice and am still wondering why you reformatted when what you were having was connectivity problems. Maybe I missed it? Were you having other problems with you computers? Would they function properly offline? It sounded like you were talking about internet problems.

    It sounds like this post does belong in networking as the other poster said, but if you reformatted, it sounds like you may think there is something wrong with your computers and not your router or isp?? In which case, it would belong elsewhere (probably software). If you think you have been infected, you'll have to do all the steps in the Read and Run me thread in Malware and post there.

    You need to say if you are having other problems.

    Good luck and welcome to MGs.:)
  4. joe.08

    joe.08 Private E-2

    the limited or no connectivity machines still had no internet when connected directly to the modem.

    as for the formating the one machine needed anyway (too many different individuals using and abusing her and me ignoring it) and the other didn't have much on it and i wanted to get back online as soon as possible.

    also gaming pc was running nvidias firewall that i keep at the "antihacking only setting". i don't check the log often due to the fact i dont really know what im looking at but i checked it for this problem and it was full of warnings, and the ones that got me nervous were the spoofed ip address warnings, might be nothing but it got me thinking of an arp poisoning.

    and what got me even more nervous was googling arp poisoning fixes i got more instructions on how to perform it and none on fixing it.

    anyway thanks for the replies and im sure ill be moved if needed

  5. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    I've actually never heard of arp poisoning and just looked it up. Sounds nasty. Hopefully, someone will come along that can direct you. You'll get more views though if you post in another forum. You may want to try the Network forum.
  6. joe.08

    joe.08 Private E-2

    will do, thanks
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