I heard a lot of positives about Major Geeks

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Dorre, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. Dorre

    Dorre Private E-2

    Hello all,

    I'm glad I made it, getting here that is.
    That's because I have (major) problems with my internet connection since the last Windows Update.

    Oh, I forgot to introduce myself:
    My nickname is Dorre.
    Since May this year I am the proud owner of a new computer configuration.
    Asus A8N-SLI
    XFX 6800 XT 256MB DDR3
    Zalman ZM400B-APS
    Samsung SATA 250GB with Zalman heat pipe cooler
    Creative SoundBlaster Audigy2 Platinum
    Microsoft Windows XP Professional OEM
    Microsoft Office 2003 Basic OEM

    I joined Major Geeks to hopefully find answers and solutions to make my system work in ''optima forma''.

  2. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks Dorre.

    Can you remember the specific updates from Windows Updates?
  3. Dorre

    Dorre Private E-2

    Hi Bladesofhalo.

    Well, I can look for them. I know it makes no differences removing/uninstalling them. I tried.
    Restoring to a point prior to update is also useless.
    With the update I think files were overwritten.
    I wish I had a backup made with Ghost o.e.

    Maybe it is not the update itself that is causing a problem. Could be a conflict of programs or drivers that occur since the update.

    Booting is normal (not as fast as prior).
    It is after booting up, when Windows seems to be ready, that the system is so pre-occupied that it is as if Windows stalls/hangs.
    Even ctrl-alt-delete is put 'in wait'.

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