I hope it's o.k. to post twice here, rather

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by duckfeet, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. duckfeet

    duckfeet Corporal

    than bump my post on Malware Removal...I posted there a couple days ago, and still haven't had an answer. But I know it can take a while, but like anybody, I worry I haven't been "seen...," but I agree that there aren't many people who can do this well: I thought I knew my way around a computer, been at this forever, and I use Linux, all that, but I have young friend who got inundated with this trojan "antivirus 2008", and it screwed his computer *all* up...and made me realize just how little I knew...or rather, that what I did know was kind of out of date, and limited: I knew Spybot, and HiJackthis--kind of--and hell, I couldn't even *run* them, this virus had just taken overso bad... Also, these people had sent the *Malware* scammers money thru online credit card, but have taken care of that: Credit Card companies have seen this before, so the CC's actually reimbursed them, are changing their cards for them...

    Anyway, just in case somebody else has this problem: I wasn't able--at first--to get malwarebytes to run, *or* to get MGtools to get all the files they were supposed to get, specifically hijackthis, so I posted the three I had, to my malware complaint, but then yesterday, after reading the different messages on this site, I realized I could download the missing msvbvm60.dll -- and that allowed me to run MB, and get the complete mgtools files, which I posted....

    So I'm hopeful they'll get to me, and really, once you google around the net, and wade thru all the hustles and scams...there is no-where else...MajorGeeks is the last bus-stop before reformating and new OS. I wish--or maybe they *do*--they had a training program you could pay for--specific to becoming proficient at online malware removal--as I'm retired, and really would like to help people do this stuff. And again, I thought I *was* good at it, but I got whooped good this time....

    Anybody else, waiting in line in malware problems, just want you to know, "yer not alone...."

    thanks for everything

    aka duckfeet (my swimfins :) )
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    We know how frustrating it is to have malware on a PC, but as like all of us we only have a certain amount of freetime to answer questions, due to busy home or work lives, as helping others we do freely because we like to help, but at present as many security forums are not stopping assisting or reading malware logs, we have become busier and as you'll apprieciate removing malware and reading the necassary logs is time consuming, so you'll just have to bare with us I'm afraid... plus with it being holiday time for most, all forums get busier with students etc being on holiday/vacation.

    The malware experts here are very good and have a system in place to make sure they get to everyone, which is why they mention dont bump as doing that may take you to the top of the first page in the malware forum area, however in reality it moves you to the bottom of the work queue as they work from bottom up, so do not worry if your thread slips to page 6 or above.

    Only thread I noticed was from yesterday with an addition today, but as mentioned the guys will get to you as soon as they can.
  3. duckfeet

    duckfeet Corporal

    Thanks so much for answering: I think a lot of us just worry we'll get "missed," but knowing that there are *so* few people doing this...anyway, again...thanks for letting me know, no worries on this end...happily waiting my turn :)

  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Geff

    Yes I agree with you at times its like your being missed but in reality your not, your just in a holding patten so to speak until someone is free to take up your chalenge, and I note TimW has taken your malware issue onboard, your in VERY good hands their so hope all goes well and belated welcome to the forum.

  5. duckfeet

    duckfeet Corporal

    Yes he has, and it turn out that just doing what I was requested to do first, actually got rid of most of it...I was all freaked out after a day of waiting, but finally I got it together, and realized I hadn't *really* tried hard to run malwarebytes, since I was missing a file...well, by googling around on this site, I found that wasn't unusual, and that they even had that *specific* download I was missing, so I downloaded it, ran malwarebytes...and *zip* , like night and day, and so uploaded--a day late--that txt file, and was afraid I'd get in trouble for "bumping..." but nope, Tim came on, said I was in good shape, told me a couple lingering problems in Hijackthis to remove...and I was able to call my friend this morning, and tell him Majorgeeks had come thru, and we were good to go...

    I'm just tickled, and even put a "bookmark" on his computer for him to come to this site and do what it says when he has problems, or really, the preventative stuff is so important, and so it all ended well, and I just want to let anybody who is waiting, to know that they'll get to you, and to really try hard to follow the instruction *before* posting on the Malware forum, as they really do work, and then the pros can fix what's left....

    Good deal, made my week ...
  6. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Geff

    Wow superb, glad we helped you to remove the malware pest on the PC,the malware folk here are very good and dedicated.

    Many thanks for the great feedback the guys in malware will be happy to read these great comments.

    Dont be a stranger and have a great weekend.

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