IaOrana From Paradise

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by maheanuu, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. maheanuu

    maheanuu Private E-2

    No that isn't a cuss word, It is the Tahitian Greeting upon meeting someone. I have been a lurker in here for years, but I never posted anything. I have just returned home after spending the past 12 years in the state of Oregon in the USA. I will tell you a little about myself and my history. I am an older than dirt retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, and was an Electronics Technician when vacuum tubes were the amplifiers, mixers, multivibrators all the exotic stuff on the cutting edge of technology... I retired in 1974 and became a field engineer for Sperry Univac and a computer/systems engineer/technician right back to the Navy as a CETA... I immigrated to Tahiti in 1977 and quit Univac in 1980 to reside full time down here in Paradise. Back in those days the only computers were in the French Atomic Energy Offices and being an American at the time meant there was no work for this digitek..... I kept in step at the time using the Timex Sinclair boxes and Sinclair Basic... I finally got down and dirty with the PC's in 93 and haven't looked back. I am running 2 windoze machnines in self defence here at home, and also have my fun maching running Ubuntu which, to me is the cat's Meow!!!

    I try to help as many of the family as possible to climb the ladder to the modern world, I have a nephew that is careering it in the French Army, another that is getting a degree in electronics in France, and another nephew who has a degree in computer science and working on his masters...

    I am very proud of my Tahitian side of my family, and honored by their naming me, also their following in my footsteps, and passing me to go on to their own heights and dreams....

    I am pushing 72, and still keep active building boxes, and troubleshooting them for family and friends...

    I plan on hanging out in here and learning even more from all you youngsters who unlike me were born holding a mouse or a digital assistant.... Hope that you will tolerate me, and not humor me... I know that there is much I haven't learned and have forgotten over the years.. I still remember the paper tape loaders, the huge drum hard drives, and punch pins and computers with only 32K of memory that filled rooms... Stories, I gots millions of them... Dreams..... Still as vivid as they were when I was a lad of 19 and the world was my oyster...

    Thanx for letting me ramble, and hope to see some of you down here in Paradise some time.... More laters and hopefully some tech advice, but from being here in the lurking mode, you already have the new generations of techs that came along decades after I left and are doing very well carrying the torch... To you I wish you all well and Bravo Zulu!
  2. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG maheanuu:wave We are glad to have you! Sounds like you sure do live in Paradise! , and stories? Check out the Lounge, and do share with us... If you have any questions, or problems, just ask away... :)

    You can post and reply to any topic in any thread except the Malware thread.. Only our Malware Team can reply to those posts.;)

    Feel free to browse, and there for sure is TONS to learn here.. Hope you enjoy yourself, and don't be bashful, we all started out in this thread too ;)
  3. rustyjack

    rustyjack MajorGeek

    Hello and welcome to MG maheanuu, where did you get the name from ? :)
  4. Stubby

    Stubby R.I.P. (September 3, 1949 - January 26, 2011)

    Welcome to MGs, you young pup:-D Navy, huh? Well, I was a Marine, but I guess we can still get alongroflmao Seriously, this IS a great place with great people and I hope to see your face around the place;)

  5. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    welcome :)
  6. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome..
  7. maheanuu

    maheanuu Private E-2


    My name was given to me on my wedding night by my wife's family. I was named after one of the ancient Arii Nui, the old Chiefs/Kings of Havaiki Nui and from this line my wifes family wre descended. I use my Tahitian name on the net pretty much exclusively....

    BTW, we're going out to Opoa and Taputapuatea today, I am gonna drag along the camera and some extra lenses and filters and see if I can get something worth posting... And my grandson just loaded up his mom's (my daughter's) puter with a gunny sack of Virii/Malware so when I get home tonight I am going to have my work cut out for me.. Looks like a bucket of worms and no idea as of yet where he managed to go to find all this stuff, or if he brought in in on a USB flash drive.....

    Just another day in Paradise!!!
  8. maheanuu

    maheanuu Private E-2

    Re: A Photo Or Two Of Home

    Here is some eye candy for all... I hope that you enjoy these.

    Sittin' On The Dock On The Bay

    Bora Bora Mt Paia (Front) & Mt Otemanu (Back)
    This was taken from Fa'anui Bay looking to the South.

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