if you want my advice...

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by gravitonring, Aug 14, 2006.

  1. gravitonring

    gravitonring Private E-2

    Heisenberg was driving his car on the autobahn...a traffic policeman stopped him and said: 'Do you know how fast you were going?' Heisenberg said: 'No, but I know where I am.'

    my advice is: NEVER TAKE MY ADVICE :)

    there is nothing wrong with my computer cuz i have been using MG for five years...there is something wrong with my awareness, cuz i never realized i could use this forum until today...

    if i understood what i know, i would be a genius...
    if you understood what i know, i would be a guru...
    if everyone understood what i know, i would be a god...
    since no one understands it, i am just a confused old man...
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Wonderful line ....

    Wait, did you call me? Hello ...must have hung up ...Honey, have you seen the phone?:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  3. gravitonring

    gravitonring Private E-2

    like Einstein, i am fifty years ahead of my time...

    unfortunately my time is 1945...


    a scientist learns how to hear the thoughts of mice with a device, which he places on the most intelligent mouse in the lab...

    he sets the mouse free...but the neighborhood is filled with cats...

    the mouse goes into the forest and hides in a hole in the ground for several days...so the scientist only hears: 'i'm hungry, i'm hungry'

    finally the mouse hears a dog barking, the mouse thinks: 'dogs don't eat mice, and they chase away cats, so it must be safe to go out'

    the mouse goes out of the tunnel, and a cat eats him...

    the cat says: 'its always good to speak two different languages'
  4. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    That needs to go in the lounge under the jokes thread ....it's too good to be hidden in the welcome center ...Oh, yeah ....Welcome to MG's!
  5. gravitonring

    gravitonring Private E-2

    thx and the kitty klone exists in the jokes thread, which may be dead :)

    that cat is a killer :)

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