information request

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by richelles, Jan 6, 2008.

  1. richelles

    richelles Private E-2

    Today while running Spybot Search & Destroy I was watching the items being checked scroll by when I saw "perfect keylogger" go past. I wrote it down and when S&D finished I looked and that wasn't one of the programs that had been found. I allowed it to delete the ones it found as I normally do. I then looked up PK in Google and that got me here. I have a question: How can I find out how it got on my computer and who is it sending to? There are only two people who have any access to my computer and only one of them is anything like knowledgable about computers. I want to know who would have put this on and for what reason. I'm involved in a lawsuit and I use this computer to confer with my attorney and I feel the other side might be capable of dirty tricks. But before I start something I'd like to get some facts straight for obvious reasons. AVG is running now and is over 100,000 after more than an hour. Nothing found so far.Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  2. gimpster123

    gimpster123 Bring out the Gimp.

    Hello, and welcome to :major

    You saw "perfect keylogger" flicker past? in the bottom progress bar? the progress bar displays Everything Spybot scans for.

    If you're worried there may be malicious software on your pc, then follow the instructions on This Link. These steps will help you clean out your pc and diagnose any problems it may have with spyware/adware, etc. Post the logs in the Malware forum as instructed. They experts there will take care of you.

    Malware gets onto your pc various ways- but primarily through web browsing. I highly doubt that this is some trick of the other party in your lawsuit, but it is still reason for concern. Keyloggers can be used to steal your credit card and bank account information.

    We'll be happy to assist you in getting everything straightened out.
  3. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    Hello Richelles and welcome to Major Geeks

    Our normal etiquette is to post questions in the appropriate forum. The welcome centre is just that.

    If your data is attorney sensitive then I suggest you need a proper anti spyware (etc) product. Keylogger

    Definitely the one I use and recommend commercially.

    Of course Spybot may have been just testing and you may not have PK at all. I am concerned with your statement

    If you are that prone / plagued with malware you can get a full healthcheck at Major Geeks by posting in the Malware forum. Do this first
  4. richelles

    richelles Private E-2

    I have now had time for AVG to complete its scan of my computer and it found nothing wrong with today's update installed. I then ran CC Cleaner and it removed 4,288 MB of what I assume was excess material on my 60 GB HD. I had run Spybot S&D and it found the usual stuff I see which is mostly from reading Google News reports. I have checked after running a single news report and found up to three and four things put on by a single newspaper. I don't think any of these were more than cookies.

    If what I saw go past was in the scan line of what Spybot S&D was searching for then maybe it was just fear that prompted my post. I keep Zone Alarm, AVG, Spybot and had Spyware Doctor on but it has been removed. I don't recall why. Both laptops are used with a wireless router in the house and I've walked around our large lot and can't pick up anything at the property line so I haven't set up the security system on the router. We haven't had any problems for several years and today I ran everything just to see and seeing "perfect keylogger" was just something I had concerns about.

    I'll run the checks suggested and look in control panel for excess software being I have a new printer and HP shoves lots of bloatware with their CDs. I didn't remove the old HP AIO software which I new see I should have done. Thanks for the replys.

  5. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

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