Install PL-2303 USB to Serial Adapter

Discussion in 'Software' started by kidzmom3, Nov 14, 2006.

  1. kidzmom3

    kidzmom3 Private E-2

    I have an Acer TravelMate 2303LCi running Windows XP Home, and I think something is corrupt. I am trying to install a CablesToGo USB to Serial Adapter, model #26886 and get the same error message with the drivers either off of the internet or the CD. I have tried in normal mode and safe mode. The error is as follows when I click on the install icon the InstallShield Wizard opens and I click next, the the following windows error:
    "InstallDriver.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." I choose not to send an error report. I have tried talking to the support staff at CablesToGo, but they are at a loss. I previously had a Dynex DX-UBDB9 adapter installed that went bad. I did however uninstall it's drivers before trying to install the new adapter.
    Anyone have any suggestions. :rolleyes:

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