Internet connection problem...

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Beagle, Jan 5, 2006.

  1. Beagle

    Beagle Private E-2


    First off I'm not sure that this is the correct forum, so please bare with me...

    My problem is this:

    I can connect to my ISP (Virgin) with no problem. The icon in my system tray says that I am connected, at 2.2 Mbps per normal.
    However, I am unable to connect to ANY web address. This occurs with Firefox and I.E.
    Also, Outlook is unable to connect to my mail server. In fact, all my apps. (ICQ, Antivirus etc.) behave as if I am NOT connected to the internet.

    This has been happening for 3 days. Prior to this, I had no problems, and have not downloaded any software.
    I have run tests on AVG anti-virus and Ad-Aware and they come up clear.
    I have also tried a System Restore to a point a week ago yet this made no difference also.

    It's driving me mad - I've never seen this before. I really hope someone can help!
  2. comperroruter

    comperroruter Darth Meatloaf

    I do not have any idea why it happened, but this may fix it. Click Start-->Control Panel-->Network Connections. Doubleclick your network connection, click the support tab and click repair. Post back if it does not work or you encounter the problem again.:)

    It would probably be a good idea to do the following as well:
    Click Start-->Run,
    type the following in the window that appears and click enter/ok.

    ipconfig/ flushdns
  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    If you have a firewall, temporarily disable it and try again.
  4. dmandoc33

    dmandoc33 Private E-2

  5. Beagle

    Beagle Private E-2

    Thanks for the tips Comperroruter - I'll give them a go when I get home this evening and let you know how I get on. So you don't think it could be the work of Spy-ware or a hijacker of some sort?

    Halo - thanks, but that was one of the first things I tried; it still occurs with my firewall disabled.
  6. Beagle

    Beagle Private E-2

    dmandoc33: I may end up trying that, but how does that explain the problem occuring with Firefox, or any other app. that tries to connect to the web?
  7. techsalong

    techsalong Guest

    I think you must have gotten your fingers from the same supplier that I did. There's a little typo there, should be:

    ipconfig /flushdns with the space after ipconfig and then no other spaces.

    BTW, I saw a squared PI once. It was, in fact, a cake. I figured out a profitable deal. I charge a whole lot for all of my wrong answers. :)
  8. techsalong

    techsalong Guest

    The suggestions below are very good and I'd try them first.
    If you're still stuck after those -

    You might try winsockfix in case something blew that out for you.

    I might be all over a malware issue.

    Microsoft has a new release of their antispyware tool here:

    They also have a MS Malicious Software Removal Tool

    Here are some sites that will scan for you:

    MS beta site
    Pc-Cillin Trend Micro Housecalls
    ETrust Web Scanner
  9. techsalong

    techsalong Guest

    I suppose you know that when removing malware, you need to turn off system restore to delete all restore points which may also be corrupt. Do that, reboot. Update all malware tools. Reboot to safe mode and run the tools.

    Turn off system restore: Right-click My Computer > choose properties > system restore tab. Don't forget to turn it back on and create a new restore point when you're finished.
  10. Mada_Milty

    Mada_Milty MajorGeek

    Not to rag on you, but the geeks have an entire section dedicated to this, called the spyware specific forum, and they appreciate when you point users to it. (Actually, if they read the sticky threads, they're supposed to go there before asking for help.)

    Same with downloads. They have a pretty sweet download section, and this is how they deliver paid advertisements to us, so they like it when you direct them there, too.
  11. Beagle

    Beagle Private E-2

    MadaMilty - I didn't go to those forums because I don't know if my problem IS spyware specific.

    Techsalong - thanks for the advice. But obviously I can't use those free 'scan sites' as I can't connect to any web-page! lol!
  12. techsalong

    techsalong Guest

    I didn't know that, so thanks for telling me. I'll check it out and be sure to do that next time.

    Oh, and by the way, stop ragging on me. Kidding :)
  13. Beagle

    Beagle Private E-2

  14. dmandoc33

    dmandoc33 Private E-2

    Corrupt files in the REG is a good possibility
  15. Yargwel

    Yargwel MajorGeek

    Having had exectly the same problem myself in the past I'd plump for a Winsock2 problem.

    As you can obviously get to MG can you get to this site: to download the fix. The fix is only 178kB so will fit on a floppy if you have to download it from another PC.

    Or if all else fails I could always PM it to you. :)
  16. Beagle

    Beagle Private E-2

    ah, I can't get to ANY website - I'm here on my MAC at work.

    I've tried all the suggestions listed here (including winsockfix) - and it still doesn't work. I can connect to the internet, but can't connect to any web pages...

    Any other ideas fellas? :confused:
  17. Yargwel

    Yargwel MajorGeek

    The program I suggested is a little different from WinsockXPFix which is what I think you may have tried. They may well do the same thing in the end but I thought it may be worth a try as it fixed my very similar problem.

    The offer still stand that I can PM it to you if you would like to try it.
  18. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Have you checked with virgin that everything is ok.. you could be connected to the server but not be passing past that onto the WWW.

    are you using a router? if so check the connection logsand see if the date and time are ok, if the time is wrong then the server your connected to has problems... I've had similar in the past.. I get perfect connection but go nowhere, I checked the logs in the router and noticed the dates where wrong.. called the ISP and they indeed did have a problem.
  19. comperroruter

    comperroruter Darth Meatloaf

    Isn't it nice how they preach about level of service, yada yada, and as soon as they have an internal problem they do not bother calling to inform you. Even an email notice would be nice. I wish I had the ability and the means to start my own ISP. Things would be a lot different. I could go on for a week about the things a proper ISP should have and provide, but I am not one to rant.

    Somewhere over the rainbow some kid will have a dream of providing cheap and speedy service to the world, and not be concerned about getting rich.:) (Google?)
  20. Beagle

    Beagle Private E-2

    Well, thanks for all the advice. Unfortunately, nothing worked!
    So I ended up doing a complete re-install of Windows and I am now able to connect once again. Bit of an arse-ache, but there you go.......

    Cheers again!

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