
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by ls73unique, May 18, 2011.

  1. ls73unique

    ls73unique Private E-2

    Hi, i am a new member -there should probably be some sort of warning note now-i am pretty new to computers-recovering technophobe-as my son progressed into a teenager i have been kinda forced to show some interest(usually contents of purse will do).i am in a permanent state of bewildered(blond) I do not understand the computer speak(have a handbook n dummies guide so can use for reference)but stubborness is my driving force for joining here,and i would greatly appreciate youre help.
    Having taken my computer to a friends dad to untangle(and i have no idea what he did)it seemed pretty straight forward-to be fair i only use it for browsing internet,face book and photos really-when i got it back it all seemed straight forward(ish)..i use a 3dongle connection,that installed then updated...i clicked firefox and within a couple of minutes started recieving script errors,swithching to i e runs then starts sending hung app message-my investigations are confusing,i shirk responsibility as a way of life so am more than wary of adjusting anything at all and tend to write anything(updates etc....)down for future reference...
    i did somehow land in a system page faults info thing and it listed AVGIDS,wilog ex,sychost as faults-i think somewhere i must of been led to believe these are hang on infection symptoms..
    should i do the read n run thing first maybe?/ thanks for reading :)
  2. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    Hi and welcome to MGs.
    You are able to ask any question here no matter how trivial it may seem and you will receive help without any comments as to your ability (we all had to start somewhere)

    Doing "read n run" will not harm your PC in any way and could go a long way to getting it into a safe and fast working place, if you have any problems with "read n run" do not hesitate to ask for help (we are here for that)

    Good luck.
  3. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Hi there and welcome to Majorgeeks. :)

    Just to clarify, as Bill says you can follow these procedures READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide and then start a new thread in Malware Removal. But if you have any questions regarding the procedures you must ask them in your thread in malware removal and not here in the welcome center.

    You'll get through it just fine and when you are ready, one of us will review your logs.
  4. ls73unique

    ls73unique Private E-2

    thank you so much for your replys,id better nip to malware removals now then,have a couple of queries before i get started....again-thanks:)
  5. averageguy

    averageguy Private E-2

    Welcome to the Forum!! I am sure you will enjoy your time here and learn alot

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