Is Restoro’s Windows Repair Tool Safe To Use?

Discussion in 'Software' started by mark59, Aug 21, 2020.

  1. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    I came across this software advertised on the Major Geeks Web site. I’m assuming if Major Geeks are advertising it that the software must be safe to download and use. However, I don’t know Major Geeks’ advertising policy and whether they check whether things they advertise are safe.

    Does anyone have this software? Is it safe to use on your PC? Does it do what ‘it says on the tin’? I don’t want to be downloading something that will put any form of malware on my PC, or will damage my PC’s settings, etc., or which will do both.

    The problems it says it fixes are similar to problems I’m having. That is why I’m considering downloading it.

    The Web site for this software, following the link on Major Geeks, is at: (accessed 21/08/2020 12.41 p.m. BST).
  2. _nullptr

    _nullptr Major Geeky Geek Geek

    It's a PUA that exaggerates its capabilities and charges a fortune to do what CCleaner does for free.
    You're better off to post what issues you are having here and save your money.
    mark59 and satrow like this.
  3. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    Thank you for your answer. I didn't even visit the link; I thought I'd find out about it first. I should've visited the link because if I'd known you had to buy it I'd never have posted here. I'd simply never have paid for it.

    Since I've discovered Major Geeks I've learnt there's so much excellent free software available I've never paid for anything.
  4. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

  5. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    I used to use However, the last time I used it made a mess which I then had to sort out. I'd give details if I could recall them. So, I got rid of it and have read a few negative comments about it here on Major Geeks. I know it often depends on our own experiences. I used to like but my last experience has put me off and I don't want to risk it again.
  6. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    There are three featured softwares at the top of the MG Home page and is one. If MGs still have faith in it, and are actively promoting it, that's good enough for me. In any case, prior to using any tool of this type you should always take a system image first or, at the very least, create a system restore point. Seems you didn't do either.
  7. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    I find it prudent to have evidence before making claims. It prevents one from jumping to false conclusions.

    Whenever I have used I took the appropriate precautions before hand, including, as the software's author recommends, making a back-up of my registry, as it is mainly the registry the software changes.

    However, if does result in problems it is still necessary to resolve them. Creating restore points, making back ups, etc. alone are not sufficient. You then have to use them to put the computer back to its previous state.
  8. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    No point in making them if you are unsure how to do that :rolleyes:
  9. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    You must be having a day of jumping to conclusions. I do know how to use them. That still means they have to be used, which takes times and is rather inconvenient to do after software that was meant to resolve problems only created them.

    I will be unable to see any reply or further jumps to false conclusions you may make.

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