Is this GPU cooler compatible?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Tyrone Shoelaces, Jan 12, 2006.

  1. Tyrone Shoelaces

    Tyrone Shoelaces Private E-2

    I just got a Iceburq 5 cooler (CCB-A5C) to put on a Geforce 4 6600 GT made by eVGA. On the back it says it's compatible with 6600, but what about my GT? (It doesn't say 6600 series)
  2. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    Pretty sure they're not gonna pull a quick one on you. If you had a 6600 and it said compatible with 6600GT, it'd be one thing. But, since its the other way around, you're probably good.
  3. Tyrone Shoelaces

    Tyrone Shoelaces Private E-2

    Thanks 4 the help. I did some measurements and it looks like it'll be Ok. I'll just go for it.
  4. Tyrone Shoelaces

    Tyrone Shoelaces Private E-2

    Can I hook the fan up to the "rear fan" connector on the mobo and hook the rear fan up to the VREG connector?
  5. splitt3r

    splitt3r You are now the victim of a drive by title change

    I dunno what you need a new GPU fan for, my Evaga 6600gt never goes above 70C on the stock fan, even with a 570/1100 OC it actually usually stays under 60C unless I am doing intense gaming/benchmarks it idles at about 50C but yeah, that should fit you card.
  6. splitt3r

    splitt3r You are now the victim of a drive by title change

    I doubt it, it is probably a different voltage because rear case fans are a lot bigger than a gpu fan.
  7. splitt3r

    splitt3r You are now the victim of a drive by title change

  8. splitt3r

    splitt3r You are now the victim of a drive by title change

  9. Tyrone Shoelaces

    Tyrone Shoelaces Private E-2

    It fits fine, but the 3pin that is supposed to connect to the motherboard won't reach where i think it's supposed to go. Does it go into the VREG connector? Anyway, it also says I can use the 3pin to molex thing to connect it directly to the power supply. I did that, but when I get into windows, it tells me that it has decreased the level of activity for the GFX card to prevent crashes because it isn't getting enough power, even though the fan is working.
  10. Tyrone Shoelaces

    Tyrone Shoelaces Private E-2

    Wait- Dont answer that! In my haste to get this thing up and running i forgot to connect the CARD to the power supply along with the fan.
  11. splitt3r

    splitt3r You are now the victim of a drive by title change

    that wierd, my evga 6600gt doen't have an additional power connector.

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