Joined for help and got infected!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by NTLDR, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. NTLDR

    NTLDR Private E-2

    Hey guys, I would like to know how come my comp just got ****ed up when I was writing about an error I have? This was the only site I had activated so now I have to fight against that fu--ng jkkjg.dll and a popUp-window with AbeBot just appeared rolleyes

    WTF is happening?
  2. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

  3. AbbySue

    AbbySue MajorGeeks Administrator

    I can understand your frustration but the likelihood that anything on this site caused your issue while you were starting a thread is essentially nonexistent. The error you mentioned you were getting before coming here is most likely the root of your pop-up window. Malware often will cause unexplained errors then at some point finally show itself in some manner such as a pop-up window.

    Please follow the link from FRED_G's reply to fix your computer. For future refrence...this is a family oriented site so please watch your language.

    Thanks! :)
  4. NTLDR

    NTLDR Private E-2

    Yeah, thats what I thought as well, that I didnt get infected thrue this site but when this was the only site I had up I got worried cause my brother managed to get a similar trojan in my mums comp wich ended up with format c: :(

    I just installed Super Ad Blocker from and so far I havent seen any signs of still bein' infected but if I'm still, I'll follow his link ;)

    No I have to re-write my other thread... again. :cry

    Thanx guys! :major

    PS. Sorry bout the F-word

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