Jumper settings for slave 2.5" hard drive in desktop case

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by b2009, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. b2009

    b2009 Private First Class

    I am trying to install an old ide 30gb hard drive from a notebook with a fried motherboard into the case of a new desktop build. My motherboard has an ide slot and I have the ide cable and the adapter to connect the drive to the ide cable.

    I am not sure what the jumper settings should be though. The drive has diagrams for the jumper settings for three choices:

    1. Device0 (needs no jumper)
    2. Device1
    3. Cable Sel

    I want the computer to boot from it's hard drive as it does now, and have the 2.5" as a slave.

    Another problem, the drive currently has no physical jumpers on it. My other broken 2.5" doesn't have any either. There's no computer shop near me and I don't plan on driving near one in the near future. Can I find the right size jumper somewhere in a broken notebook carcass, or in a pretty much useless desktop case?

    Are there different sized jumpers?


  2. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    If the main boot HD is SATA then you can put the laptop HD on the far end of the IDE cable with no jumper and it should be fine. (What type of adapter is involved?)

    In the above configuration, if the computer tries to boot from the laptop drive then it would be a BIOS setting to change the boot order back to the SATA drive as first boot device. It wouldn't be jumpers causing any problems.

    Jumpers should be all the same size. If you can find any on old board (try near the CMOS battery) they will fit. I only recommend that on a board that is totally bad and you won't try to resurrect because you will probably forget that you have taken a jumper from it by the time you get back to it which would cause problems. Any old CDROM should have a jumper. An old Floppy drive might have a jumper.

    Edit: I should have said if it is the only IDE device on that cable. If you are also using a CDROM on that IDE cable then we would have to rethink it. But it would be the same except you would change the jumper on the CDROM to slave.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2013
  3. b2009

    b2009 Private First Class

  4. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

  5. cosmicma

    cosmicma Private E-2

    no jumper and any of the 2 slots on the IDE cable this should configure as single device ( master )

    bios should be set to boot from SATA

    job done :)

    good luck...
  6. b2009

    b2009 Private First Class

    Now I'm curious.

    I also have a currently unused 40gb IDE HD now in a pretty much useless old compaq case. Before I finally close up this new build case, can this HD be connected to the middle IDE connector on the cable that will have the notebook HD at it's end?

    It will need to be jumped to the Slave setting, right? (I haven't looked at it yet).
  7. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Yes, the laptop is set to Master with no jumper and on the end of the cable. (Master here just means the master device on that IDE cable.)
    The 40gb drive would go on the middle and set to Slave. It's jumper setting may be different so look at its diagram or get the jumper settings off the net.
  8. b2009

    b2009 Private First Class

    Great. Thanks.

    I'll try this out later tonight. If it works I'll be able to finally close this new case up and forget about hardware for awhile.

    I just wanted a machine to fall back on if my notebook goes down.....but I have to admit that even though it's a barebones machine with an entry level graphics card, it's kind of fun to know I can now run games through about 2009!

    That's a big improvement for me.

    The Windows 8 is another story. I'm using the Classic Shell add-on. Since I never used Vista or Seven there was going to be a learning curve anyway. I thought I might as well jump all the way to 8.
  9. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Yes, I only used the Win8 developer's preview. My big disappointment was with the recovery options. I thought it saved a copy of the original "first boot" so you could get back to the point where it first booted up after installion and everything was working fine. Before you added any missing drivers and such. That option didn't work for me when it crashed about a week later. I gave up on it then and never tried the beta release.

    I did recommend that you go with Win8 and I still do. It is a bit faster than win7 and except for the ugly tiles I think it is the best choice for a new build. I built a budget machine in June and had one license left for Win7 so I used that. But if I had built it in December with no win7 license then I would have gone with Win8. MS put a lot of time into Win8 and will ignore Win7. Software developers will spend their time on Win8 as well. I don't envy you going from XP to Win8 (That is one big jump) but I think you will get it eventually. All the functions are still there but much too hard to find.

    I don't see many complaints about Win8 here at MG so it must work after the learning curve. I'm going to install it again for a test run soon just to familiarize myself with it. I think I can try it for a few days without activation. In the mean time know that this forum is very good for win8 information. Brink (Shawn) is a very reliable source for how-to guides from what have seen in his previous Vista/7 forums.
  10. b2009

    b2009 Private First Class

    I got both drives recognized. Although the IDE cable connectors seemed to be upside down where they connected to the drives.....it's a twisted up mess but it works, although only with the 3.5" installed upside down.

    There were no AHA! discoveries though because I had wisely already backed them both up to an external drive.

    They do make their share of noise though which makes me wonder if there might be a way to temporarily enable-disable them until I actually need them..without opening the case. Can they possibly be made to 'hibernate' after a couple minutes of non-use?

    I can't really see a use for them other than for periodic backups (now that my primary drive is 1 Tb...huge for me).

    Thanks for all the guidance.
  11. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I had one last 500gb IDE drive and mine is a twisted up mess with just that one drive on the ide cable. I don't know where all my old IDE cables have gone to but this one looks about 100 years old. :-o

    I haven't tried it but in Disk Management you can right-click the drive in the graph section (on the part that says Disk 1 or whatever number) and select Offline. I believe that setting will hold through restarts and may keep the drive(s) quiet until they are brought back online.

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