Just Joined - Major 8-bit Geek!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Count, Jun 29, 2006.

  1. Count

    Count Private E-2

    Hi there, I used this sight over a year ago, and have recomended it to others many times. The best malware removal tool ever is the pages of these forums!! So far I have blatted a handful of machines with serious problems using this sight as the basis, and have not needed to post for help yet! Everything was alreay answered, and so well organised in plain English.

    Hats off t y'all!

    Anyway, I'm gonna have to post a help request, so I'll say hello here first while I decide which section to post in...

    I'm a child of the Spectrum generation. And have just moved house and have also acquired a number of artifacts including:
    Siclair computers - 1xZX80, 5xZX81s, 3xSpectrum 48ks, 1xSpectrum+128k, 1xSinclair QL; Others - 1xArchimedes 32bit, 1xAtari 520STe!

    My modern systems are lagging behind somewhat;
    1xPII333, 4.3M drive, 300+RAM,
    and a Compaq dual PII350Mhz SCSI Professional Workstation 51something.

    Both a pain!

    My current project is to wire all the technology for sound for some music projects; using a Casio keyboard and the Atari's midi capabilities to link to the PC and also the 8-bit machines! I have a Midi machine for the Spectrum, and also Currah speach!

    See what fun I can have making music with these odd assortments!

    Anyway, that rambling was my way of saying hello, and hoisting my geeky flag!

    Thanks once more for ALL your help.

    PS - You may be pleased to know that I often do free work for charities, so some real benefits have passed down the line to some worthy people!
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Rock and roll!!!! Welcome to MG's.:)
  3. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Welcome to Major Geeks. :)

  4. infoseeker

    infoseeker Master Sergeant

    Welcome aboard to the headquarters.... :p
  5. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks! :D
  6. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    Yeah, I love 8 bitters. I'm a Commodore 128 user myself, who happens to know how to build computers. My current project is a K6-2 450Mhz with DVD, TV/FM tuner video card, wireless internet for the son of a friend in the military. Might say I'm cleaning out my back room a little, for his benifit and mine.
  7. Count

    Count Private E-2

    Thanks for the welcome guys! I just posted a cry for help re TV Cards here! http://forums.majorgeeks.com/showthread.php?p=807950#post807950

    It was such a shame moving house, for lack of space I had to ditch 8 working BBC micros, As,Bs and masters! A couple of Apricots, Apples IIs, about a dozen Spectrums, and a dozen more assorted Spectrum +2s, +3s, and Amstrad CPCs, as well as some Spectrum Clones and a Sinclair PC 200!!

    That hurt a lot! I was reduced to what I could carry under my arm, so I chose the good Specrtrums, the 128 (3 channel sound as opposed to 1 channel on the 48k) and the Atari STe 520 (which will have to be prised from my dead clammy hands!!)

    So I'll be looking for more 128k Spectrums to build up my 8-bit sound studio! Time to get onto eBay and get me a Specdrum (have owned twice before!).

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