Just saying hello! I posted in Malware... hope that's right!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by cappykelly, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. cappykelly

    cappykelly Private E-2

    Hi! Happy New Year to all. I had seen this excellent forum before, but decided to join. I'm trying to get my Dad's old computer going (has Windows 98 and Norton AV I've tried to uninstall, among other things, giving me copious error messages now). I posted under malware but don't know if that is correct. No replies thus far but I'm sure people are busy.

    So, happy to be here and hope I can pick the brains of the many knowledgeable people here!

  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hello and welcome to MGs :)

    I read your post in Malware and actually it is a software issue. It will probably end up getting moved over to that forum.

    If you do think you are having actual malware problems, you will be instructed to run the READ and RUN ME FIRST thread that is stickied in the Malware Forum.

    As far as the Norton, did you just uninstall, or did you go through and manually delete files you found? I was a little confused about what you said about the Norton Removal Tool which does an excellent job of removing traces left behind after uninstall. You did or did not try to run it on the system? If you downloaded it onto another computer, you should be able to use a flash drive to drag the .exe file to and then save it onto the computer you want to run it on. You should then be able to install it that way and run it.
  3. :wave:coolA very warm welcome to the Forum,:wave​

    Maximus Relaximus.......:cool:major
  4. cappykelly

    cappykelly Private E-2

    I read your post in Malware and actually it is a software issue. It will probably end up getting moved over to that forum.<<

    Well, first I WAS going to put it there. But I searched what was on the board previously about Norton AV 2004 and it was under malware, so I figured Norton is considered that (it seems to act like a virus all right!). If it gets moved I just hope I can find the topic to follow up.

    >>If you do think you are having actual malware problems, you will be instructed to run the READ and RUN ME FIRST thread that is stickied in the Malware Forum.<<

    Well it may have virii, too, I don't know. But nothing I put on that computer seems to run. I mean shouldn't putting IE on it have been pretty straightforward?

    My plan was to get rid of the Norton error messages and a lot of other crud on the computer, then download Avast (that seems to be recommended for Win 98) and run that.

    >>As far as the Norton, did you just uninstall, or did you go through and manually delete files you found? <<

    I deleted the Norton AV folder, yes. But there are other folders having to do with Norton Web Server and System works and I didn't know if I should take those out. They are NOT installed, however. I'm just afraid of removing more Norton and getting more error messges.

    >> the Norton Removal Tool which does an excellent job of removing traces left behind after uninstall. You did or did not try to run it on the system? If you downloaded it onto another computer, you should be able to use a flash drive to drag the .exe file to and then save it onto the computer you want to run it on. You should then be able to install it that way and run it.[/QUOTE]

    I put it on a CD and it would not run. Got messages I was performing an "illegal operation."

    So, that is where we are now. I can't connect via my DSL cuz that computer has no IE, so I have to download stuff on my computer and I've been putting on CD to play in that computer and the two programs I've tried so far don't even run (IE6 and the removal tool)

  5. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  6. cappykelly

    cappykelly Private E-2

    Thanks. However, did I do something wrong??

    Have gotten no replies to my question in Malware about Norton AV 2004, nor was it moved, so guess not too many folks interested in an old Win 98 machine with problems?

    Or does it take weeks rather than days to get replies and I'm just impatient?

    I am very new here-- sorry if these questions are dumb.

    I wish I knew whether or not to delete the various Norton folders on the computer, if the programs are not under installed (and I uninstalled Norton AV), or if that would make things worse? At least I could try a few things if I knew that.
  7. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    The Malware Forum is our busiest forum and this is probably the busiest time of year. It also works in date/time order, so you have done nothing wrong. You just need to hang in there while someone gets around to reading your logs and offering advice :)

    If you haven't done so already, work through this link and post the requested logs in the thread you have going in the Malware Forum. This is the first things the Authorized Malware Fighters will ask you to do, so if you do it now they will be able to assist you more quickly.

    READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide
  8. cappykelly

    cappykelly Private E-2

    Thank you for the information.

    But, thus far, have tried to run two programs on that machine and it won't run em. So unless something changes and some programs run, I can't do that.

    Okay, so probably in a couple weeks I should check back, see what they say about deleting those folders at least?

    Then I won't check in so frequently as now.

  9. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    They are a good efficient team - I would check back daily.

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