Kc Software, Maker Of Sumo, And Other Software, Shutting Down

Discussion in 'Software' started by coover, Oct 20, 2023.

  1. coover

    coover Private E-2

    On October 31, 2023, KC Software is going out of business and ALL of their software will reach "End of Life" and will not be usable.

    I have used, successfully, the free version of their Software Update Monitor (SUMo) for about 15 years, virtually every single day to help to keep my computers (I have several) up to date. In fact, when I first boot a computer, I automatically do several things before doing anything else. I run "Patch My PC" and update, I run SUMo and update, I check Major Geeks for updates and interesting new software, and the I run Windows Updates, even checking the "Optional" updates, always making sure that System Restore is run prior to actually updating anything.

    I and other SUMo users will no longer have the assistance of SUMo to determine out of date programs starting November 1.

    I checked on the upper lefthand side of the Major Geeks website in the box entitled "Files" and found no category for Software Update Monitors or actual Updaters and found no such category existed, so I would like to see this added, In addition, Major Geeks should make recommendations of software which can reasonably replace SUMo. I've already tried one, Winget, and am disappointed in it's many false positives and inabilities to actually install the software it indicates as needing updating.

    I'm hoping MajorGeeks can help those of us who will be losing this very important software. In addition, I welcome your comments and suggestions, including ideas on how to keep SUMo alive.
  2. Maxwell

    Maxwell Folgers

    I suspect adding more categories could become unmanageable for every person's use case. However, there is this page MajorGeeks Top Freeware Picks - MajorGeeks that lists top-picks, so, maybe a separate section for "Software Updaters"?

    In the software updater section, this may include:
    Download MajorGeeks News and Software Updater - MajorGeeks
    Download IObit Software Updater - MajorGeeks
    Download Patch My PC - MajorGeeks
    Download UCheck - MajorGeeks
    Download Heimdal Thor Free - MajorGeeks
    Download Avira Software Updater - MajorGeeks

    I think the first of these Download MajorGeeks News and Software Updater - MajorGeeks is likely to solve two of your problems in one go: "Software Update" and "check Major Geeks for updates and interesting new software"

    There are others not listed at MG and there's a list at MS for an available third-party software update catalog
  3. coover

    coover Private E-2

    Thank you, Maxwell, so much for your great answer and post. I will take a close look at the 6 choices you have mentioned, though I already use and like Patch My PC. Patch, unfortunately, only covers a limited amount of applications, and is frequently slow to indicate an update can be made, A recent example of this was when Patch did not show an update for several days after the update was available. And it is my understanding that the Major Geeks application, while still available for download, is several years old and no longer being updated itself. I don't know if that is good or bad, but I will take a look at it. I also note that the IObit software is available for free, but with constant nags to update to the paid version.
  4. coover

    coover Private E-2

    Well I guess I was wrong above about the Major Geeks software. It was updated October 16, just a few days ago. I will test it immediately.
  5. coover

    coover Private E-2

    Major Geeks software is no longer an updater. The need to change the name.

    IObit Updater only found 19 software applications to check for updates. SUMo finds 64. IObit cannot replace SUMo.
  6. coover

    coover Private E-2

    Well, I've tried them all. Major Geeks is no longer an updater. IObit scans just a few applications. Patch My PC is great, and I do use it, but it still does noy scan many of my applications. UCheck also scans too few applications and the free version is worthless. Heimdal was confusing, scanned too few applications. Avira has changed considerably since the 2019 version, scans too few applications, and unless you have bought it, won't do anything..

    More suggestions, anybody?
  7. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  8. coover

    coover Private E-2

    any suggestion is worth a look ... thanks
  9. coover

    coover Private E-2

    Looked at all 3 of your suggestions ... Ninite only covers 9 of my applications while SUMo checks for 84 including Portable files. Glary is included with Glary Utilities, hasn't been updated for several years, and (apparently) only checks a limited number of applications. Touchstones Software Updater attempts to scan and fails, giving the following error code, ... "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently". An internet search gave the following explanation which really does not explain to me the scan failure or what I should do about it ...

    HTTP 301 is the HTTP response status code for 301 Moved Permanently. It is used for permanent redirecting, meaning that links or records returning this response should be updated. The new URL should be provided in the Location field, included with the response. The 301 redirect is considered a best practice for upgrading users from HTTP to HTTPS.

    RFC 2616[1] states that:

    • If a client has link-editing capabilities, it should update all references to the Request URL.
    • The response is cacheable unless indicated otherwise.
    • Unless the request method was HEAD, the entity should contain a small hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new URL(s).
    • If the 301 status code is received in response to a request of any type other than GET or HEAD, the client must ask the user before redirecting.
  10. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    Iobit does cover quite a few of my apps but is intensely irritating with its constant attempts to add more of their apps to your system, often making the yes/no all but invisible. I've been longing for years to finally dump everything from Iobit but for me its software updater is still more of a benefit than a nuisance.
  11. coover

    coover Private E-2

    Hopefully, somebody will take the "end of life" SUMo and continue to develop it. I've found nothing better. SUMo has been great software. It occasionally will show a beta file as an update, but a quick email to KC Software always fixed the problem.
  12. AllanH

    AllanH Private E-2

    I recently found out about WingetUI.
    It updates software packages from the package managers Winget, Scoop and Chocolatey.
    It looks like it keeps up with a lot more software to update than the others.
    It may not be the type of updating program you want, but it's worth a look.

  13. coover

    coover Private E-2

    I'll try WingetUI again, but the first time I tried it, it was confusing, not a software that can be opened up and immediately used without reading a Manuel or instructions. I realize that much of the best software requires a learning curve, and it looks to me that WingetUI is one that requires the user to take the time to use it. I will again download WingetUI and, this time, take some time to study what information I can find on how to use it properly.
  14. AllanH

    AllanH Private E-2

    SecTeer VulnDetect may interest you.
    Even though it seems to be more focused on security software, this is on the FAQ page:
    "We cover approx. 1000 + applications. Our customers can request software to be added to our database for detection, patching, and deployment. We cover the majority of popular software. There may be less-known software that we don’t detect. This can be requested through support@secteer.com"
    It is free for personal use, according to https://vulndetect.com/


  15. coover

    coover Private E-2

    Its worth a look. Thanks.
  16. coover

    coover Private E-2

    I downloaded vulndetect. It forced me to register an email address with a password... and then when I tried to use that login, it refused the login and password that I created and then filled in correctly. I am not going to use an application which is going to fight me regarding a login and a password. It is not worth the hassle.
  17. evilfantasy

    evilfantasy Malware Fighter

    Man this is horrible news but it sounds like the developer is just finally burned out on maintaining it's outdated technology and doesn't have the desire to build a brand new version that will last another 20 years. I've tried several over the years and nothing comes close to SUMo.

    This was posted in the KC Softwares forums. Here. https://www.kcsoftwares.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=7294#p7294

  18. AllanH

    AllanH Private E-2

    I thought I would try it to see if I had the same problem with VulnDetect.
    I used a temporary email address created at EmailOnDeck.
    I was sent the confirmation email. I had to copy/paste the confirmation link.
    My account was confirmed and I created the password.
    I entered my login and password, which was accepted.
    The program detected more of my freeware programs than I expected.
  19. JeffRedd

    JeffRedd Private E-2

    I've used Patch My PC Updater and SUMo from KC Softwares. I really liked SUMo and paid for a lifetime licence about a year ago. I need to find something that does more updating than Patch My PC Updater, which is good but doesn't seem to catch everything.

    I've recently tried the following updaters:

    winget: It's just ok but hardly updates anything in my opinion.

    UCheck: I found it had false positives for out of date software that was just updated. And anything I wanted to update required an upgrade for a fee. Maybe someone else would have better luck than me.

    IObit Software Updater: We might have a winner here. If you want to get the premium package with the auto updates it costs $12.00 per year which is reasonable to me. If not it will still update but without all the perks, and I'm not sure what they all are yet. I still have to spend more time with it because I just installed it and all my software was already up to date.

    OUTDATEfighter: I tried it but when I restarted my computer it auto loaded with all these other things I was not interested in. So I just uninstalled it. It might be worth looking at yet and may work for some people.

    UpdateHub: I have it installed but it really hasn't done anything for me. I keep getting the message: "An error occurred - An unexpected error occurred Error: Error: Timeout reached at C:\Users\jefre\AppData\Local \Programs\update-hub\resources\app. asar\preload. js: 1:809011". Maybe I have to reinstall it.

    Software Informer: Appears old and outdated but it may work. Like I said my software was already updated I just ran most of these programs to see how many program they could detect/find and what other perks the software had.

    HEIMDAL FREE: It's free for a trail period. On there website they say: "After you sign up, a Heimdalr security consultant will get in touch with you over phone or email and answer any questions you might have." I believe that this is mostly for commercial use. It costs $100.00 per year and it didn't work for me when I tried the "trial" version. I just uninstalled it. I don't have time for their games.

    Glarysoft's Software Update: I really like Glary Utilities and I get the free version. It includes a software updater. Unfortunately it is not as efficient as SUMo was but it was still pretty decent.

    Update Notifier: I was not able to get this old software working even in compatibility mode. Maybe someone else would have better luck than me.

    Avira Software Updater: I didn't even install this one. I was not interested in paying $33.00 per year for the service. I don't know, maybe it's worth it.

    And summing this up I'd like to say that I apologize in advance for the unprofessional reviews. I tried all this software out in a single afternoon and was not able to get all the updates. I just wanted to see how well they looked and felt. I still think that IObit Software Updater maybe the best one that I installed and tried out. It has a clean interface, is easy to use and it runs well and is not glitchy at all. It's solid. Like I said the premium package with the auto updates it costs $12.00 per year which is reasonable to me. I will include the link to the article with all of the update software that reviewed.

    https://www. lifewire. com/free-software-updater-programs-2625200
  20. evilfantasy

    evilfantasy Malware Fighter

    UCheck seems to be making a lot of progress with the help from users at Wilders Security. I'm still figuring it out but it does look promising and has come a long way from the last time I checked in on the development progress.

    Download UCheck on Majorgeeks.
  21. AllanH

    AllanH Private E-2

  22. AllanH

    AllanH Private E-2

    For those who want to try it, it does require .NET Desktop Runtime 7.x and will prompt to download and install it.
    For now, I'm not interested in installing a newer version than the one included with Windows 10.
    plodr likes this.
  23. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

    I'm re-working the top freeware list now. I'll add a section.

    Frankly that is bit of a blind spot for us as -- well -- its what we do. So, updated software is just normal for us.
    evilfantasy likes this.
  24. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

    plodr, satrow and evilfantasy like this.
  25. evilfantasy

    evilfantasy Malware Fighter

    I'm with the person in the comments section requesting an option to select folders to scan. Portable apps need updated too. ;)
    satrow likes this.
  26. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah -- that's actually kind of a tall order. The first problem is how do you detect they are there? But we are thinking through options.
  27. AllanH

    AllanH Private E-2

    SecTeer VulnDetect, which I tried, does detect Portable programs, such as CCleaner, AIMP, KeePass, PrivaZer, Autoruns, Process Explorer, and others.
  28. evilfantasy

    evilfantasy Malware Fighter

    Ucheck is scanning my portable apps folder but it isn't detecting that the outdated apps need an update.
  29. evilfantasy

    evilfantasy Malware Fighter

    OK what's going on here? Why are my entries always in red? When I do double click a red entry I get this message.

    Updating: TeraCopy
    No available upgrade found.
    No newer package versions are available from the configured sources.

    Syn3Updater isn't available at MGs and I'm not worried about the Windows Drivers but I should be showing 0 updates available. I have even deleted and the redownloaded the MG Updates and News but it still does the same thing showing everything in red.

  30. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

  31. evilfantasy

    evilfantasy Malware Fighter

    Nope. I'm on W11 so a few things were a bit different but easy enough to figure out.

    I had the idea to change the compatibility settings but that didn't fix it either.
  32. AllanH

    AllanH Private E-2

    I appreciate MajorGeeks offering a software updater, but it does require the Microsoft Store App Installer, which is no longer on my system.
    I would favor a program that did not require it, such as VulnDetect.
  33. evilfantasy

    evilfantasy Malware Fighter

    @Corporal Punishment I think yesterday's update fixed it. So far so good. Tell they crew at Alomware thanks! IMO it is the best right now.

    Still need a reliable scanner for my portable apps folder. Maybe UCheck will get to a final fully working version one day.
  34. XoXgaming

    XoXgaming Corporal

    Never had an issue with Iobit i have tested beta's and all current versions.They just work.
  35. evilfantasy

    evilfantasy Malware Fighter

    Doesn't list nearly all of my installed software and can't add a portable apps folder.
  36. XoXgaming

    XoXgaming Corporal

    If you want Portable app that would be in the toolbox section down at the bottom.It's called ASC Portable version.
  37. evilfantasy

    evilfantasy Malware Fighter

    No I mean the ability to add a folder location (C:\Tools) for Iobit to scan and tell me when my portable apps have an updated version.
  38. evilfantasy

    evilfantasy Malware Fighter

    I may have spoken too soon. It doesn't seem to be detecting any updates now. I have waited a few days from when an update appears on the MG homepage but it never shows an available update in MG software updates.:(

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