kmplayer audio problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by rkbiker89, Mar 30, 2008.

  1. rkbiker89

    rkbiker89 Private E-2

    ive been using kmplayer for about 6 months now to watch my hi def movies. just recently, however, the audio playback in the movies became messed up. the background music in each scene is very loud and the dialogue spoken is extremely low to a point that i can barely hear what the people are saying. i dont know how this problem started and i need help fixing it. does anybody know how do fix it?
  2. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

  3. rkbiker89

    rkbiker89 Private E-2

    i tried turning off the normalizer but the problem is still there...its driving me crazy. whats step 2?
  4. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Step 2 is a couple of options.... you can try installing a different media player just to see if the problem occurs there. If it does, then the problem may be that a codec has gone bad. If it isn't there with a different media player, then we know the problem is in KMplayer. At that point you can choose to stay with the different media player, or you can try uninstalling/reinstalling KMplayer. Here's some popular (and highly rated) media players:
    Since there is a chance that it's a faulty codec, you should consider running the KLite Codec Tweak tool. It's scans for broken codecs and removes them. I haven't had the need to use it so I can't comment on how it works, but the other KLite stuff I've used has always been great...
    KLite Codec Tweaker
    Anyway, try these suggestions and post your results....
    Good luck!
  5. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    The KMPlayer is easy to mess up settings since so many shortcut keys are available. Have you tried Options>Preferences and clicking the "Initialize all Presets" button?
  6. rkbiker89

    rkbiker89 Private E-2

    yeah i just downloaded gom player and it works fine now, thanks so much
  7. rkbiker89

    rkbiker89 Private E-2

    this problem just came back again. i uninstalled gom player because it wasnt working anymore and it had that same audio problem. does anyone know how to fix this for good? it may have to do with the codecs but i dont know which ones to get rid of and which ones to keep
  8. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    :( At least GOM worked for awhile.... try the KLite Tweak Tool that I linked to above in an earlier post. I haven't used it personally, but from the description, it looks like it scans your codecs and either removes or replaces the broken ones....
  9. rkbiker89

    rkbiker89 Private E-2

    the klite tool didnt solve the problem...i cant believe i cant find the solution to this im sure some1 else out there had this problem too
  10. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    KMPlayer has it's own codecs so a codec pack or downloading individual codecs won't fix the problem.

    I use KMP for everything and have never had a problem. I believe someone else had a similar problem and provided links to short clips of movies that demonstrated the situation. Unfortunately, there was no remedy reached if my memory is correct (although I could reproduce the problem on my computer using the two clips). So...I'm unsure if uninstalling KMP and getting the lastest version will help but I would give it a try.
  11. rkbiker89

    rkbiker89 Private E-2

    i already tried that too. i just think that there are some conflicting codecs on my computer. the only problem is knowing which ones conflict with eachother and removing the right ones
  12. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  13. rkbiker89

    rkbiker89 Private E-2

    yeah i know how to get rid of codecs, the only problem is that i dont know which ones to get rid of. would you know that?
  14. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Sorry, I'm completely clueless. I'm exactly like the majority of people; when something doesn't play (audio or video) I get an updated player and hope the codecs I need are included.
  15. rkbiker89

    rkbiker89 Private E-2

    i just bought a new computer, problem solved. now i have a webcam problem but thats for another thread...

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