Logging In To This Forum

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by HDL, Feb 23, 2021.

  1. HDL

    HDL Private First Class

    I had to change my password here very recently because it was found in conjunction with the email I use here on the dark WEB. Since changing the password there is a problem logging in. On my first attempt it says something along the lines of the information could not be found. It them presents me with a different screen to try logging in again. I use the same username and password that just failed on my previous attempt and it then logs me in. Now before you think I may have typed something wrong on my first attempt let me explain that when putting the cursor in the user name field that name pops up and I only have to click on it. As far as the password goes, I do not remember any of my passwords so I have a spreadsheet with all of them listed and just copy and paste them. So making a typing error is not possible. Can this login problem be corrected so I get logged in on my first attempt as it always used to do?
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    I just looked up the settings for your account and from what I can see there isn't anything forum related that would create issues for you. My suggestion would be to go into your browser settings, find your password storage area, do a search for MajorGeeks, and delete all saved password information you find. This will prompt your browser to ask if you want it saved next time you log in. It's possible you have the password saved correctly for one of the log in screens and incorrectly for the other.
  3. HDL

    HDL Private First Class

    Thank you for the reply. First let me say that every time I try to log in here or anywhere else, for that matter, I am always asked if I want to save the password. I never do. However, I did as you suggested and found no saved logins or passwords for Major Geeks or anywhere else.

    Not sure if this is of any help but, I was logged out of here and when I clicked of the link, "To View this thread," in the email I received I had to log in and it worked as it should. I don't believe it will work that way if I hadn't clicked on that link. I will log out, give it a few hours, and try logging back in.
    LauraR likes this.
  4. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Okay...hmmm.... Honestly, I can't think of any reasons you'd be having an issue with the one log in screen and not the other other than some kind of saved information on your computer. As I mentioned, we don't have any default settings that would create that issue for you and you don't have 2 step verification set up.

    The next thing I'd do is go back into your browser Options/Settings and go into your Cookies and Site Data...either completely clear them, or clear them specifically for MajorGeeks if you don't want to do a complete clear. See if that helps the issue.
  5. HDL

    HDL Private First Class

    Thank you. I will give all this a try.
  6. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Do you use the 2-step authentication on this forum?
    Have you cleared the cookies from the browser?
    Have you tried a different browser?
  7. HDL

    HDL Private First Class

    No I do not use 2-step authentication.
    Yes I have cleared the cookies.
    No I have not tried a different browser. However, that was to be my next step if the problem happened again. Yesterday after I cleared FF's history and cookies, (which is supposed to be done automatically when I close FF) I have been able to sign in here as I always have in the past. Maybe that fixed the problem. I hope so.

    Thank you for your help.
    Goddess Bastet and LauraR like this.
  8. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    That’s most likely fixed the problem. I hope all remains fine for you.
  9. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Glad to hear that seems to have fixed it. It sounded like cached data of some sort on your browser.

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