Looking for specific answers

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by herquiltness, Sep 6, 2006.

  1. herquiltness

    herquiltness Private E-2

    Hi - first try posting, and I need some directions...

    Where do I go to ask questions and receive help on specific topics. For instance, my Word.doc e-mail attachments are now opening in my ACDsee photo reading program. I was messing around yesterday trying to make a font appear in my pictures (to use the font in a website title) and must have clicked something that I now need to unclick. The problem is, now I don't know what I clicked to I can click it back.

    I would appreciate any clues on how I can access help for problems like these. It's always this little stuff that flumoxes me.

    TIA for your help.
  2. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Welcome to MGs, herquiltness :)

    Try posting these specific questions in the Software Forum, where people who specialize in these type of issues will try to help you :)
  3. herquiltness

    herquiltness Private E-2

    Thanks! That's exactly what I wanted to know!
  4. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    You're welcome :)

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