lost my computer and control panel

Discussion in 'Software' started by ludvig14, Mar 8, 2004.

  1. ludvig14

    ludvig14 Private E-2

    xp pro sp1
    hitaci d 2500 dvd player
    hd ibm 80G

    What to do - i cannot acces items from my start meny any more, what i have done so far is done a system restore (run from the search tap) done virus scan (NAV) none found and reboot .
    earlier to day i dnloaded a a program tat would change colors in photos from a "safe" site and my desktop turned gray, i reboot and colors came back, program uninstalled right away.my next project was playing a region 1 dvd, but my player was set region 2 so i tried to change it with dvdgreenie and after all this i coudnt open control panel and now not my computer from the start meny. iget this error msg._:

    an exeption(C0000005) occurred during DllEntry point or DllMain in module:

    pls help
    even we vikings have trobbles once in a while
  2. General_Lee_Stoned

    General_Lee_Stoned BuZZed Lightyear

    hi ludvig
    sounds strange that cpl is a control panel file can you access control panel and if so do you have any software you think may be related to the UniCalibrator.cpl i personally think this is some corrupt software cusing difficulties
    I personally would reboot into safe mode find that cpl in system 32 you will probably have to enable show hidden files and folders, rename it to something you remember obviously reboot and see how it works if all goes well just delete the unicalibrator after a week or so if it doesnt solve your problem you can always go back and rename it
    Worth a shot :)
  3. ludvig14

    ludvig14 Private E-2

    hi general, and thank you,i did that but to no avail. i mooved the file and now i dont even get the error report, strange though ,the file is not on my wifes nor on a friends comp.
  4. General_Lee_Stoned

    General_Lee_Stoned BuZZed Lightyear

    Sorry that didnt work out ive never seen or heard of that file before and its not on my machine either
    I think you would be well advised to follow Robos advice

    Im also interested in what the graphic program was :)
  5. ludvig14

    ludvig14 Private E-2

    ave robo,general
    thank you for your help ,ive just got my control panel back after running different reg cleaners and an online spyware cleaner. it allso found a spy called MYway i think it was,but ive had that for a couple of days without acting up. but i stil wonder what unicalibrator is.

    here is the link to the graphics prog., illtry that again, it looked nice and ia free.

  6. General_Lee_Stoned

    General_Lee_Stoned BuZZed Lightyear

    Glad you got it sorted Ludvig
    Agreed with Robo that calibrator has got to be linked to that selector program if you look in the full list of the product you will see this
    Monitor Calibration utility
    So im guessing it creates a control panel applet for this specific tool
    But if your going to try it again i guess well know for sure

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