Maintenance And Integrity

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by brianhood, Dec 1, 2024.

  1. brianhood

    brianhood Private E-2

    There are many disreputable marketing practices. One such practice is to get sites to post links to "freeware" and "shareware" software, then once the software becomes known replace the freeware/shareware with hassleware.

    One example is "".
    I have just spend a day following up on this software. It leads to a complex registration process that then substitutes a "free to download" Home Edition that has a limited 30 day trial period and full security to enforce it. Not much use to anyone who is not willing to pay full retail. This is clearly NOT what Major Geeks reviewed or did their right up on. There should be a quick/easy way for anyone to report this kind of problem.
  2. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private E-2

    The description clearly mentions that this is a "freemium" product and, if you had scrolled down, you would have seen that it involved a 30-day trial period, and that the free version is being retired.

    So, you're squawking because you failed to do your own research?
    the mekanic and Fred_G like this.
  3. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    This was not a case of bait and switch.
    Scroll down to Macrium Reflect Free Product (EOL)
    Since one of the owners of MajorGeeks died, the clean software hosted at MajorGeeks doesn't get reviewed as much as it used to be. But it is pointed out in the description from 2023.
    So you should not have been so surprised when Macrium software wants you to move to a newer paid version.
    the mekanic and Fred_G like this.

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