Major Catastrophe!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by smartiepants, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. smartiepants

    smartiepants Private E-2

    Hi All,

    I'm a newbie, I've been around a short while and have been trying to work through Read&Run me first thread. I've had some sucesses and removed some malware.. thought things were going well. But I followed some advice and got rid of some programs and got some new ones - got a new firewall and my computer's been crashing ever since.

    I'm at work now posting in desperation. I've been re-starting my computer repeatedly for the last 2 days and managed to uninstall the firewall, so I can get online now but am not sure what to do next. Scared to do much with no firewall!!

    Where should I go to start all over again?

  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    I would suggest you start with the Read and RUn First sticky in the malware forum and start a thread there when you have the logs to attach. ...Or better, finish the thread you started there.

    And Welcome to MG's.
  3. smartiepants

    smartiepants Private E-2

    Thanks Tim,

    I've lost track of my original thread in the malware section.. it's dropped off somewhere.

    I really appreciate everyone's help here.. I am just so much of a newbie that I don't know which advice is best to follow sometimes. Combinations of software is so confusing!

    Some questions:

    - I did not quite understand the bit in the READ&RUN ME FIRST post about msconfig by chaslang. I do not know how to look at or edit the startup suff and I know something is wrong there as my MYOB starts trying to install on startup and I've not touched that program for more than a month!

    - how do I generate a log?

    Thanks again Tim
  4. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Your original thread is here:
    AVG Anti-Spyware Help (Norton STINKS!!)

    Download and run SuperAnti-spyware, MalwareBytes and ComboFIx as well as MGTools.exe.....just follow the instructions....each will produce a log. Attach them to the thread in the malware section.
  5. smartiepants

    smartiepants Private E-2

    Ok, shall do Tim, soon as I get home from work. And thanks for finding that thread!

    I hate to be a pain, but can you find the one called something like 'AVG Antivirus Help' that I had running before this one? It was some process I was following there that got me into this pickle.. not sure whether it was the firewall or the Windows cleaner or something else. I thought I was going great guns and then things went pearshaped.
  6. smartiepants

    smartiepants Private E-2

    I mean,
    I'm not sure whether it was something I did or did not do in part of the process :confused

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