Major Geeks loading slowly with Firefox 4

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by fred.albert, May 2, 2011.

  1. fred.albert

    fred.albert Private E-2

    I notice that Major Geeks has started loading much slower than usual in the past few weeks. I am fairly sure it is not my pc. I get notices in Firefox about getting info from Facebook and once that the server at Facebook was taking too long to respond, and I wonder if this is slowing the overall page loading process. Hope this the right place to post!


    Asus N71JQ, Win7, Firefox 4.
  2. Caliban

    Caliban I don't need no steenkin' title!

    Greetings, fred.albert, and welcome to MajorGeeks.

    Correct - the feeds from Facebook (and sometimes the background feeds from other advertisements, Google Analytics, etc.) do occasionally affect the page-loading times. You're not alone - I guess it's the price we pay for progress. ;)
  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    We do have a Facebook add on to the forum and that could contribute to slower loading times, although I have not noticed too much slowness (well apart from a few weeks back when we did have a cache issue and that slowed the forum down, but that was for a specific time period of about an hour a day at 12:00GMT).

    Have you cleaned temps and cookies and tried again, to trying Internet Explorer out or Opera and seeing if the speed is the same as your Firefox.

    If in Firefox you have a lot of add-ons and ones like Adblock etc then try Firefox in its Safe Mode and see if its any quicker as addons that block adverts etc can cause slowness in a browser.

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