Major Geeks Product Support

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by loriha, Nov 14, 2016.



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  1. loriha

    loriha Private E-2

    Hello 1st time doing a Forum
    I cant seam to find any place on there wed sight to ask about a download I payed for. To me that should be
    one of the first thing that you see on their top launch bar ( home-Form-Members " Product support" )
    It looks like they relies on other people to resolves product problems by means of a forums. Maybe I've
    been looking in the wrong places. Can any body out there help me?
  2. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    You contact the actual program developer via their website if you paid for it. They have a website and usually an email and/or phone support.
    You can also post a new thread in the SOFTWARE forum below if you want advice.
    MG is a hosting site - like filehippo, softpedia and CNET. It doesn't have 'MG products'.
    DavidGP likes this.

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