Major problem with my computer. Need help!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Introuble25, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. Introuble25

    Introuble25 Private E-2

    I have just apparently gotten a really bad virus and I don't know what to do.

    It has these features:

    -It makes startup for the computer extremely slow; when I click login as admin., it goes to the background for 1-2 minutes before the icons load. This never happened before.

    -Surfing the internet (with firefox or internet explorer) leads to tons of pop-ups.

    -I cannot do a system restore to any day before today.

    -I was not on the computer when this happened. My brainless friend caused it while she was looking at some website (she won't tell me exactly what it was).

    -Ad-aware didn't remove it.

    I want to know what type of virus it is, and how to remove it.

    Thank you.
  2. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    HI and welcome :wave Take a look at this: Read and Run Me First once you have followed thru those malware removal procedures you can make a new post in malware removal and attach the requested 4 logs. Wait for one of us to take on your thread, but do be patient as we work threads in an oldest to newest basis.

  3. Introuble25

    Introuble25 Private E-2

    I really am not a computer expert, and I have tried many of the tools at my disposal, to no avail.

    If I could understand what type of virus/malware/whatever is on my computer, it would make my life a whole lot easier, because I would be able to target it with a specific program.

    Thank you for your time, I really am lost here.
  4. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    until we see the logs we wont know what you're infected with...
    running our procedures are not just for pc experts..the instructions are written so clearly and consisely that anyone can understand.

    Have you already tried running Mbam and SAS?

    we really cant help you until we see your logs...and as this is just the welcome centre, we can't really discuss it here :(

    best of luck
  5. :):waveHello and welcome to major geeks forum,:wavePerhaps you should think about parameters for you,re friends to surf with as it is horrid when you,re PC gets infected,make another account etc.......set may ask for help with setting up these type of accounts in software
  6. Introuble25

    Introuble25 Private E-2

    I put up SAS and it practically crashed my computer...I don't know if that was due to the virus.

    Anyway, the virus ironically downloaded some anti-spyware (or maybe an anti-spyware lookalike) that pops up when I go on.

    I don't want to run Mbam because it could cause the same problem.
  7. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    AS the instructions explain....if you have issues running in normal boot mode try running steps in safe mode.... as yes sometimes the virus present on the machine will try it's level best to prevent you from attacking it

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