Maleware detected

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by gr4ndpa, Oct 10, 2009.

  1. gr4ndpa

    gr4ndpa Private E-2

    I found this post and nearly did what i should have done.

    I removed java
    turned off firewall and guards
    closed programs and browsers

    thean i made a mistake - i´ve runned the programm cause i thought the qoute was an example and i would get i file like that.
    Well when the programm was finished - a log.txt opens i copied the text into the SFscript.txt - and that was the moment i recogniced my mistake - and i started from beginning tocopy cote in CFscript.txt file moved it over combofix.exe
    and programm runs through restarted my pc.
    After restart Combofix starts and tried to make a logfile - i haven´t moved the curser or did´t anything else but all the background programms where starting icq/skype/.... and also AV-Guard who told me again that there was a malewarefile - (this time it has a diffrent name cause the old one was removed bei combofix).

    The program wrote 2 lines
    ->creating logfile
    and ->a warning not to do anything - i dont remember - i waited a few minutes and nothing happend (exept the starting backgroundprogramms... ) and closed ComboFix - and looked after the logfile which i found in the folder c:\combofix\

    So thats how far i get until now and i don´t know what is should do because there is no C:\MGtools so i couldn´t make a logfile
    and the only C:\ComboFix.txt file i found is in C:\combofix\ComboFix.txt

    if this is the right logfile i will post this file.
    I hope u could help - (when i watched the date of the post my hope nearly dissapers ^^)
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2009
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hello and welcome to MGs :)

    What you should definitely Not be doing is trying to fix your problems by following the instructions given to another poster in the Malware Forum. They are specific fixes for that person's computer only.

    What you should do if you are having problems with Malware is you should follow the Read & Run Me First Malware Removal guide and then start a New thread in the Malware forum with all your logs.

    Again...please do not go by anyone else's threads, you could wind up with more problems than malware if you do.
  3. gr4ndpa

    gr4ndpa Private E-2

    Yeah u´re right but problem seems to be very similar rolleyes

    But i will follow u´re advice ;)
  4. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    While there may be similarities, all files and malware are specific to the individual computer, so please do follow the Read and Run Me First I gave you the link to.
  5. gr4ndpa

    gr4ndpa Private E-2

    I have read it and followed constructions - looks like pc is "clean" again but there´s one problem.

    I have downloaded ad aware 2008 (free version) - and i can´t find acces to the quarantine-folder.

    So the problem i have is that my Avira Antivir - detect the files in the folder.

    I´m not sure if it is ok to delete this files with Avir - because i know that some security programs don´t like each other and could delet important files.

    1. Thanks for help
    2. may i delet the files found with Antivir in the ad-aware (Qoobox)folder
  6. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member


    You should be able to access the Quarantine folder by clicking on the 'Scan' Menu.

    At this point though, if you have any other questions such as what you should and shouldn't remove from there, you need to start a New Thread in the Software Forum as this is only the Welcome Forum.

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