Malware antibytes bug?

Discussion in 'Software' started by bigbazza, Jul 17, 2011.

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  1. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    I'm running Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MAM) at ( on W7 Ultimate OS.

    I'm having an intermittent bug/query/problem.

    MAM occasionally reports that it has found :=
    Folders Infected:
    c:\program files\antivirus pc 2009\quarantine (Rogue.AntiVirusPC2009) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.

    It keeps on occuring intermittently. :confused

    I do NOT have a Folder c:\program files\antivirus pc 2009 at all.

    See 2 attachments.

    Any bright ideas why this might occur?

    Any help/suggestions appreciated


    Attached Files:

  2. thisisu

    thisisu Malware Consultant

  3. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    Thanks thisisu, but that ain't it. :cry

    Hidden Files/Folders is already set to display (not hidden). :(



  4. mjnc

    mjnc MajorGeek

    Probably, you are not seeing the folder after the error report because MAM reports that it has been Deleted and stored in the Quarantine area.

    What do you see in the MAM Quarantine area?
    Maybe that folder has been deleted and then (later) recreated multiple times.
  5. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    Thanks mjnc. That ain't it either. :cry
    Nothing in Quarantine.:(
    See attachment.


    Attached Files:

  6. mjnc

    mjnc MajorGeek

    Maybe it's time to try Malwarebytes Support

    It might be something they need to know about.

    I tried a search at their forums for antivirus pc 2009, but the search was rejected as being Too Short, even when enclosed in quotations.

    Try email support.
  7. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    If windows explorer doesn't see it, I tend to just bring up an elevated cmd prompt, and run:

    dir /ah <-- all hidden files
    dir /as <-- all system files
  8. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    Thanks theefool and mjnc.:major :major

    @ theefool
    66 files/folders hidden, but nothing relating to c:\program files\antivirus pc 2009\

    I'd almost forgotten about the dir command :-D

    @ mjnc
    I will try Malwarebytes Support, the next time it happens.

    Thanks to you both.



  9. plastidust

    plastidust Command Sergeant Major

    Is any of this relevant? Especially starting at post #16 by miekiemoes.
  10. thisisu

    thisisu Malware Consultant

    starting to sound more like a bug.. did you have the antivirus pc 2009 rogue in the past?

    If you don't have the paid version of MBAM, I would completely uninstall it using mbam-clean.exe
    Reboot pc, and reinstall the latest version of mbam again. See if it pops up with this message again.
  11. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    As far as I can remember I've never installed antivirus pc 2009, ever.
    Gotta keep on taking the tablets. :-D
    I don't have the paid version of MBAM and have recently updated to the latest version. I think it happened with the previous version, also, but not sure.

    I usually use Revo Uninstaller (select #4) to uninstall programs.
    I will uninstall using your link, and re-install MBAM again, and see what happens. Thanks again, thisisu :major


  12. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    Thanks plastidust. I missed your reply when replying to thisisu. :-o :-o

    I really think you've nailed it. :cool :major
    Your link to, and #16 from miekiemoes really explains it.

    I do use Comodo Internet Security (CIS), so I will try MBAM with and without CIS loaded and see what happens. ;)



  13. plastidust

    plastidust Command Sergeant Major

    As long as it leads to a solution, all is good ;)
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