MG n00b

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by CTKT05, Nov 17, 2006.

  1. CTKT05

    CTKT05 Private E-2

    Hey everyone, just wanted to say hi.
    I just found this site the other day and cant believe i never knew about it!

    A little background info on me; I am a CPL(P) in the US Army and am currently in Afghanistan and have been here for the past 10 months (it sucks!). I do mainly communication work for an infantry company. I install radios and make sure everyone can talk plus i am the automations guy (in other words, whenever anyone cant figure out how to turn the volume up on their computer, they come to me) I swear if i charged for the amount of small and, to me, simple computer work I would be rich. People come to me for anything from driver installs to removing spyware to restoring everything on their laptops, fixing their ipods, etc... It gets annoying after a while but hey, since i know how to do it and am pretty much the only one here that does i dont mind helping them.
    I am also the gunner for my company commander, i dont think you have experienced life until you have bullets flying by or getting your truck blown up by an IED or havin RPG rounds fly 2 feet over your head.

    Anyways, i am by no means a computer expert so i am glad i found these forums and hopefully i will learn more as i read through more of the threads.
    I havent seen anything on this site i havent liked yet.
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Welcome to MG's ....and a big thank you for the job you and your fellow service men and women are doing in our behaft!!:) :)
  3. BCGray

    BCGray Guest

    Yea a big Hello and welcome from another Geek from the Great White North/Canada...................Say Hi to our boys that are over there with you, and from what I have heard from the friends that have come back from Afghanistan it ain't pretty, but it needs to be done, and you guys and gals are doing a great job.
  4. CTKT05

    CTKT05 Private E-2

    I am in the 10th Mtn Division out of Ft Drum, NY so your boys are always coming there for training. I havent seen any here, but they are doing good things down south in the kandahar area. That is where the real battle is going on at and all of us USA guys wish we could get down there and help out.
    I lost a good friend down there this past july and i know they were working with some canadians when they were down there.
  5. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Welcome to MGs, CTKT05 :D

    Thank you for all that you are doing out in Afghanistan for us guys rock!! ;)
  6. House-MN

    House-MN Private E-2

    welcome to the site, and thanks for serving!
  7. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Welcome to the forums :)
  8. abri

    abri MajorGeek

    Glad you're helping the guys keep their communications open! The military has to be a different place when there's regular contact with home, family and friends.
  9. BCGray

    BCGray Guest

    Yea Kandahar is definitely the H*ll hole of the Earth right now, but given time and your good folks work, hopefully things will turn around for the area, and the nation. I think very few here in North America know exactly how bad things are in that poor nation, shame really for they are proud nation that have been torn apart by a very select few radicals. Just hope that it can be resolved by our guys & gals being there, and that the blood shed by both sides will end soon, so you good folks can come home health and well to the families that Love and miss you.
  10. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks :)

    Most of us here dont know the feeling of an IED or an RPG hitting your Humvee, but you guys are doing a great job and soon you will be here with your faimly.
  11. covertOP

    covertOP Private E-2

    yea THX i know it sucks but you guys ROCK!

    YOU should charge for your service my freinds do the same thing i wake up one morning and there are like 5 labtops on my door step with sticky notes on them LOL!.

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