MG Saved the day!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Purplehaze, Mar 19, 2008.

  1. Purplehaze

    Purplehaze Private E-2

    Hello, I'm new to this website. I was surfing the web to find a solution to my computer problem. My internet explorer was running at 90-100% cpu usage and it was taking 20 minutes to load... anything. I am so glad that I stumbled on this website. The problem I had is apparently a pretty common problem and there is a massive load of suggestions and possible solutions that would not work in my case. I spent a good 24 hours working on my pc, trying different things to make it run better and fix my problem, but nothing worked, and when your computer is going as slow as mine was, it gets very frustrating to press on and keep trying. I almost broke down and brought it to a computer store... which I know would have costed me a hefty wadd. I went through all of the computer maintanance suggestions that Major Attitude posted. It took a long time to get through the list since my computer was running so slow. I did the list for windows XP. As soon as I finished running ComboFix which I believe was the 3rd program on the list, my computer was not only back up to speed, but now it's faster than it was before I had my problem. I don't attribute all of this to ComboFix, but I believe that it was mostly due to that program that my computer is up and running again.
    Anyway... I just wanted to give a big thanks to you guys, you probably saved me alot of money, and prevented me from messing around with files I shouldn't :). I felt I had to make a post and thank you because I am so incredably relieved! It's always nice to be appreciated :D!
    Thanks Again,
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Glad to hear it.....and good that you were able to do it yourself. If you have questions about any other malware issues, please feel free to post in the malware section.

    And Welcome to MG's!
  3. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

    good to hear you got the help you needed:)
  5. Purplehaze

    Purplehaze Private E-2

    Thanks, I'm glad to be a member of such a great website. Keeps my $$$ in my pocket so Best Buy's computer repair department can't rip me off... atleast not this time :)

    Thanks again!

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