Microsoft Intune Spyware Concerns

Discussion in 'Software' started by m84, Sep 4, 2020.

  1. m84

    m84 Private E-2

    My employer is forcing me to install Microsoft intune company portal on my personal laptop and I have some questions and concerns about it (sorry if this is the wrong place, I have never used this website before!) Having researched it a bit online, it seems like spyware which gives my employer more access to my personal laptop than I am comfortable with and I would like to know if there are any ways I can prevent some of its functions.

    I have heard that it gives them the power to access and delete any files on my computer. How can I prevent it from doing this? Would some sort of file lock or encryption software work, and if so which one?

    Would intune give my employer the power to access my personal Microsoft Onedrive and replace it with the company onedrive which they prefer us to use? If so, is there any way I can prevent them from doing this?

    Can it access my screen and see what I am doing? Can it see things like my internet search history? If so, will I know when my employer is using intune to see my screen and is there any way of preventing them from doing it?

    Thanks for the help!
  2. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

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