Military Connection

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by netweasel, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. netweasel

    netweasel Private E-2

    This web site has a very military flavor, which appeals to me because I am ex-military myself. I would like to know whether any of the owners of this site have any real military connections. The web site will not suffer in my eyes if the answer is "no," but if the answer is "yes," then I want to know all about it!

    I enlisted in the U.S. Army during the "Vietnam Era," and served most of my time during the "Cold War" era. We are talking 1970's, here. So I'm an old guy. If any of the owners of the web site actually have military experience, I would be thrilled to hear of it. If not, then I still appreciate the site's design.

    I got involved with computers during the very early 1980s (Univac 1108), and when the first desktop computers were introduced, I was there to learn how to program them using assembly language (8080/Z80 machine code). So my computer experience goes WAY back!

    I went through all the changes of DOS 2, DOS 3, etc. Windows 3.1 was a nice new program that was stable and worked well. Windows 95 was something that should have been thrown out with the afterbirth. Windows 98 was fairly stable, since I only had to reformat my hard drive twice while I used it. Windows XP is extremely stable, and has my grudging admiration.

    I eagerly await the advent of Windows Vista, which I'm sure will prove to be the most bloated version of Windows yet. But if it's as stable as XP, I guess I won't complain.

    But I still want to know if anyone in the ownership department, or even in the forums, really has any military connections. It won't make any difference concerning the immense value of, but it would be of tremendous interest to me personally.

    With that, I'm done here.

    Hoo Yah!
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi and Welcome

    I will pre-empt an answer, I dont know for sure on the two owners Tim and Jim off hand have had a military background, but for sure I know many of our regular members are serving or ex-servicemen/women, not only in US forces but UK and other countries.
  3. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks :)
    There are many ex-serivcemen here from different countries, its just a matter of finding them
  4. plastidust

    plastidust Command Sergeant Major

    Hi netweasel and welcome to MG's.

    Not one of the owners as you can see by my rank but I too am ex military from the early 70's. Heavy artillary an M110 Howitzer unit. Odly enough I have relations in Valdosta too. Hope you find MG's as pleasurable a site as I have. Actually it's addicting. Don't think you could find a better group of characters any where in the universe than right here.
  5. papawdude

    papawdude Private E-2

    Welcome aboard .

    I'm old U.S. Air Force . Early 70's . So is Granny , my wife . We did our overseas in Turkey .
    I do love the Military type setting .

    Youngins' call it "Viagra" ;
    Us oldtimers call it "Fix-A-Flat"
  6. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    I have nothing to do with the military whatsoever, except to wholeheartedly support what they do for us. Just wanted to welcome you to MajorGeeks :)
  7. netweasel

    netweasel Private E-2

    Dear everyone,

    Thanks for all the responses! I am very excited to hear from both those who have military experience and those who support our U.S. military. Thanks!

    For those WITH military stories to tell from the 70s, I was stationed in Fulda, Germany, right on the East German border. It was a tense, nuclear time, and we had low-yield tactical nuclear Howitzer rounds, which I helped control as part of a two-man team. I mention this for plastidust's benefit, since he is a Howitzer man from that same era. Thanks for your post, plastidust!

    But I didn't sign up with MGs to talk about actual military things; I wanna talk about computers and software. If anyone wants to go back to the 70s and talk about military stuff, you can write me at, and I'll be happy to correspond with you. Maybe you know of a forum for old military geezers like me!

    So far I haven't gone past the introductory stage of telling you all who I am, but I think that's important. I am an older guy who has military experience and an affinity for others who do also, a love for MajorGeeks not only because they have a military flavor, which is really superficial, but also because they're the best damned software download and knowledge site on the Internet, and a desire to share whatever knowledge I have with others who might be able to use it.

    So there!

    That's me.

    Thank you all for making me so welcome!!
  8. Kodo


    oh, please do tell us some stories!! My father is an ex SAC Air Commando and he just loves to tell us stories. I've heard them all a bazillion times but I sit there and listen to them like it was the first time, every time.. :)

    Welcome to MG :D
  9. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    Awesome dude, my grandpa was on Iwo Jima which is pretty cool. I found out a lil while ago that he sent a Japanese rifle home from Iwo during the war and he still hasnt opened it! Apparently its still in their attic :eek:

    Ive got a few friends in the Marines right now too.

    and........Welcome to MGs! :cool:
  10. abri

    abri MajorGeek

    Hi netweasel,
    Welcome! I am of the minor faction of the website representing the non-military-solutions approach to political and territorial conflicts. Nevertheless, I can see the appeal of war and happily listen to comments on both sides of this dividing mechanism of human survival. <grin>
  11. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    Welcome to MG.:cool:
    I spent 10 days in National service before being booted out, with bunged up knees (That I had smashed up in a crash, roadracing pushbikes, years earlier).

    Does that count as military service? :D lol. Bazza
  12. Natakel

    Natakel Guest

    Old Air Force (early 80's) . . .

    netweasel, you are gonna love this place! This website is my one happy addicition - and the best part of it you don't wake up with a hang-over afterwards!

  13. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Jim and myself have not served in the military. Both of us were born around 65 so Vietnam was out. Until recently, most of our lives have really been peacetime, so there was never a reason to join the military, we were living the good life that was the 80's, or whatever we remember of it ;) Of course, we all have military ties. My cousin flew in the Gulf war and his job was to fly choppers on top of buildings then wait there while troops searched. My father did many years in the Army, my son may enlist at 18.

    The logo is based off of a relative of my partner Jim and the name, as legend goes, when Jims mom called him a MajorGeek. It was simply a perfcet fit. We have lots of military visitors because they like the website theme, but we have people from Australia, China, England, Canada and just about everywhere at the same time :)

    Welcome aboard!
  14. abri

    abri MajorGeek

    implying that you're either from the military or from Australia, China, etc.
    I like that. :)

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