Miner Geek and all alone

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by ksr122, Sep 16, 2008.

  1. ksr122

    ksr122 Private E-2

    I just registered today. I know just enough to get myself in trouble. Unfortunately people who have less experience than I do come to me for help. My best Geek friend has moved away and now I have no one to hold my hand. I've come here to learn and maybe get some assistance. Last night I reinstalled XP on a Dell. Not fun. I want it to be fun. I enjoy the knowledge. If you guys are willing to share I take it.
    :) ksr
  2. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Seems like I put that in my profile, a couple of years ago, when I joined.
    It's still true today. :-D
    If you are like me and a few others around here, the more you learn, the more trouble you can get into, but that is the fun of learning. ;)
    Welcome to MG. :wave
    There is a lot of knowledge here, in the threads, archives, and a little bit, in the brains of the members here. :p
    If you need help, have a question, or just want to BS, there is a place here for you.:)
  3. Doc13%

    Doc13% aka Kestrel13! aka Emms


    welcome to majorgeeks :wave
  4. ksr122

    ksr122 Private E-2

    Thanks guys...I feel better just knowing you're out there:))
  5. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    Welcome to MGs.

    We all come here with the same intention of learning and when we get in trouble there is always someone out there who is ready and willing to help.:wave
  6. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  7. ksr122

    ksr122 Private E-2

    That's great because I'm really having some issues with a Dell I'm messing with. Things I've done with other computers just don't apply to this one. I'm at a loss. :eek:

    I'll have to post my issues in the proper Forum and see what I come up with. I don't want to give up....I'm just too stubborn.
  8. ksr122

    ksr122 Private E-2

    Quick update:)

    I fought the Dell and won!! I had done a successful reinstall of the OS but was having trouble with the monitor and making an Internet connection. Come to find out one of the CDs was missing. My son is better with hardware than I am. We identified 3 drivers that were missing, downloaded them on a pen drive and were in like Flin. I put in the essential software and now have a smooth operating Dell to return to my friend. They had it for 3 years and never undated the virus protection or anything else. It was a mess but that is all behind us now. Hopefully I've given them the tools to keep in in good shape.

    I just wanted to say thanks for making me welcome.
  9. :wavehyas ..ksr122;im sure youl learn plenty here iv learnt lots but still got a lifetime of updating. n whatever else gets thrown at me!!!But like musksnipe said:-you learn more with youre head right inside the pc when in deep messss!!!!so just post in the right places and im sure you will learn heaps of interesting stuff........................good luck on your,e quest!!!!!:major;)
  10. LI_Mom

    LI_Mom Private E-2

    Hi everyone. :) I'm no Geek either but don't hold it against me. lol

    I stumbled upon this site when I Googled about a headache I was having accessing the Verizon Wireless site (arrgghhh!).... figured I'd register so I could add my 2 cents.
  11. ksr122

    ksr122 Private E-2

  12. blusuzyq

    blusuzyq Private E-2

    I just registered today, and I also know just enough to be dangerous (to my computer!!) My friend told me about majorgeeks, and I am soo happy to be here! I know that I will find lots of support and help- just by reading some of the posts! So, hello everyone! :)
  13. fesup2

    fesup2 Private E-2

    Hi Minor geek, (I love that!) me too. Minor that is, really minor. I just did my first post a couple of days ago. Good Site. Very welcoming. Good Luck with all
  14. duckfeet

    duckfeet Corporal

    Welcome to you: a lot of good info on here...I actually thought I knew something about computers, since I knew more than my friends, but couldn't get rid of this malware they had, hell, I didn't even know it *was* malware at first...and kept trying everything, and got on here, and they've helped me now twice, removing malware, and I've learned more in the last few months on here, than I think I have in the last ten years...

    It takes a bit to learn to navigate the site, and to follow the rules, especially in the malware removal section, since they are often overworked and swamped...but they always get to you, and have always gotten the job done...and my education has been priceless: I log in now the same way I used to go to my A+ class...and I am learning a whole lot more...

    Best wishes
  15. ksr122

    ksr122 Private E-2

    You sound just like me. My boss, my friends, everyone was asking me for help and I'm thinking "it's scary if I'm the one in the room with the most computer savvy" because I know how limited my know-how is. One of my very best friends was so good and he moved away. I emailed him recently and told him I miss my mentor:(

    Best of luck with your issues. I know you'll find the help you need here.
  16. Horsey

    Horsey Sergeant

    Ouch. LOL At least that doesn't cover me - mine's totally empty. ;)

    Welcome to Major Geeks, ksr122! :wave
  17. Doc13%

    Doc13% aka Kestrel13! aka Emms

    a warm welcome to all new arrivals :wave

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