MOBO? can server board work as PC?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by radiot, Oct 22, 2005.

  1. radiot

    radiot Private First Class

    Can someone take a board like this one on newegg and build a PC from it?

    What are the limitations of server board in a PC? Is there some major difference I'm not aware of?

  2. Kodo


    there is really no difference other than the EXTRA features that you get (at a cost of course) for parity and stability. NOTE: Server boards are NOT Meant for overclocking, they are generally not designed for it and are spec'd to work within certain params for maximum stability. Sometimes they are oddly shaped so make sure it will fit into the case you have.
  3. zepper

    zepper Corporal

    That mobo is 13" deep so you will need a case that can take an extended mobo. You also will probably need to use Registered/ECC DDR memory modules which are considerably more expensive than standard DDR modules. And of course, two Opteron CPUs will break the bank nicely. Tyan's are also known to need special PSUs - check their web site for a list of recommended PSUs. There may be other differences I'm not aware of. I think Win XP Pro and perhaps Win Server 2003 can make use of two (or more) processors but not much other software can.
    . If you have to ask such a question in the first place, I'd be doing a LOT of homework before making such a large purchase to make sure it was something I could really use before dumping that big a load of money on something.
    . You could probably set up two separate 64-bit Sempron or Athlon systems and run them off the same monitor and keyboard (with a KVM switch) for a lot less money.

  4. Kodo


    He shouldn't HAVE To use parity memory and probably for what he's using it for, he won't need to. I used to buy ONLY tyan server boards and I never used parity in any one of them. Though I agree that the cost for what I think he's trying to accomplish is a bit extreme. I'm thinking he wants dual AMD64's.. in which case I'd just buy an nForce board that supports dualie AMD64's and save the cash and have a mobo that you can tweak at will.
  5. radiot

    radiot Private First Class

    Thank you both very much.

    Kodo, your appraisal of my situation is correct. You think a board like this is a more appropriate to the task? Have you had success with the NForce chipset? Any particular model?

    Zepper, I have one dual cpu machine, and I'm convinced its the wave of the future. Sometimes its overkill, but when working full bore it makes the day much more efficient. And yes, I have a LOT homework to do, but mobo's seemed like the place to start.
  6. zepper

    zepper Corporal

    Could you get as much from one of the new dual core processors for equal or less money?

  7. fxman

    fxman Private First Class

    Just out of curiousity what are you using this machine for? If it is just pleasure, yes it seems to be a little extreme. I work with animation and utilize a lot of 3d software and editing software. Maya, After Effects,Adobe Premiere Pro, Bryce, Mojo World, Core Retas, Toon Boom the list goes on. I run a Gigabyte server board 7DPXDW-P. It is a very popular board and a third of the Tyan..maybe a little more but cheaper. I run registered ram which is not cheap and I modified a Thermaltake Shark to accept my BIG board. It is VERY stable and runs like a dream. I would highly reccommend this board if a server board is what you are looking for. I guess it just depends on what your needs are. :)
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2006

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