Most common requirements for computer programmers

Discussion in 'Software' started by adamlange, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. adamlange

    adamlange Private E-2

    Hi. What are the most common/important requirements (other than a computer science degree) for computer programmers and software developers?? What languages and platforms should i know before exiting college?

  2. rpgfan3233

    rpgfan3233 Private E-2

    Though I can't say this from an experienced point of view. . .

    Most modern languages are good. It's useful to know multiple languages, but not 100% necessary because many programmers use only two (one for scripting and the other [compiled] language for interpreting the script, depending on the scripting language [some scripting languages can be compiled directly rather than creating a program to interpret it]). As for specifics, Java and C++ are a couple of the most commonly used languages. Of course there are others, but those are IMHO the best 2 languages to learn. Also, databases are frequently used, so if you have any extra time and the college doesn't offer database-related content, I'd check them out online or ask a friend who can help you get started.
  3. Anon-068c403e2d

    Anon-068c403e2d Anonymized

    Quite impressed with .net technologies.MS developing tools are the best there is.If you plan to develop on windows platform thats the way to go.If you want advanced programing like building a driver using high mathematics and algoritms c,c++ and java are good.Nowadays there are graphic programers who use c# too.The advantage with java is that the program will run on any platform with the same files.SQL would be a must too.A good exercise for you would be to optimize your codes as much as possible.Add more functions to programs-make them do more.And the technique of reusable codes are a must.
    [not required]Other things you can try out(but probably wont get far)is building your own compilers,own os and own language.[/not required]
  4. Kodo


    I definately agree with Kadavill about .NET. I built LinkSync with VB.NET and few other small DT apps as well as websites. VS.NET is the cats arse for sure! If you want to do DT apps for windows then that is your best choice; any of the .NET languages will do really as they use the same underlying framework.

    If you do go for Desktop Programming then the knowlege of how to work with XML (.NET rocks for this) and SQL (MS-SQL server, MySQL, Oracle) is a must!!!! I can't stress this enough. .NET's native underlying transaction of data is all XML. I can load an XML file into a datagrid or into a datatable and go to town. Infact, this is how I store the configuration in LinkSync.

    Anywho.. XML is big, so make sure you have the basics down with that. On the same note, working with data in all forms is important, so you should understand how to build databases, stored procedures etc. IF you are lucky enough to work with a big dev team, they'll probably have a DBA (database admin) that will do the database stuff per your specifications so you won't have to spend time on it, but it's very important to know so you can communicate your needs to the DBA.

    I could go on, but I think you get my point.. :)
  5. QuickSilver

    QuickSilver Corporal

    I would also make sure you have at least a few UNIX skills under your belt.

    What everyone above has suggested is great for Windows development, but a lot of development also takes place well away from the Windows Environment. A basic grasp at the very least of UNIX commands and their usage coupled with some experience of the more common shells (Korn & Bash are fairly common) would not go amiss...

    Once you get a job (in any area of development) and stick at it for a few years your attractiveness to an employer will have increased ten fold compared to what you are when you come out of Uni/College. Especially if you spend those few years on a popular/emerging technology.
    This puts you in a bit of a catch 22 situation - how do you get that much needed experience when no-one is prepared to take you on?

    A lot of the larger IT companies will take on graduates from college. My advice to you would be to keep an ear out for any talks from these guys at your college, attend, and apply for what they are offering.

    A University/College Degree is nice. A lot of times its a 'must'. But it has taken second place to experience.

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