
Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by Leepy Lee, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. Leepy Lee

    Leepy Lee Private E-2

    Can anyone tell me what this file is all about?

    I've had problems with avg7.5, avg8 neither of which will now install & run correctly.

    I've uninstalled them as much as I know how, given that they will not actually start on the machine and the uninstall option fails too.

    Installed avast which will not complete a full scan as it hangs at about 30% completed (3 times)

    Have now started working through the READ & RUN ME First instructions. Looking at the "Basic computer maintenance everyone should do" section. As avg & avast don't run or complete, I've tried Malwarebytes & a-squared 3 times each doing a full scan. Every time they have stopped or hung on this file, C:\System Volume Information\MountPointManagerRemoteDatabase

    What is it and can it just be deleted? Should it cause these kind of problems?

    a-squared has also found one trace of KaZaA in HKCU\software\kazaa before it hung.

    Doesn't look like I can complete the basic maintenance bits before carrying on working through the instructions.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    Not really an issue for the Malware Removal forum but did you get any error messages?

    You may have hard disk issues or file system corruption.

    It is part of Windows XP SP2 and related to System Restore and is not malware. It is just a 0 byte file. Not sure what your problem is but I have heard of backup programs getting stuck at this file. I never heard of scanners getting stuck on it so I don't know why your scans are. If you wanted to delete this you would have to disable System Restore and use the tips here: so that you can access the System Volume Information folder, delete all of its contents and then delete the folder. This is also not an issue for the Malware Forum.

    This is not part of the READ & RUN ME requires steps. It is only mentioned for people complaining about slow computers. It states that if you are have slow computer problems to try that link first. You were not complaining about a slow PC so you should not be running it anyway.

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