Mouse Going Opposite

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by firedragon, Mar 7, 2025 at 9:21 PM.

  1. firedragon

    firedragon Private E-2

    So my laptop did an update last night and now my mouse goes opposite direction of what I want..i go up and it goes down.. i go left it goes right.. annoying. I deleted drivers and reinstalled them.. but that didn't help.. Tried to look on google but that was getting me nowhere, I am running windows 10 .
  2. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Sadly, there is no single cause and therefore no single fix. Instead, you just need to work your way through several possible solutions and hope you come to the correct one.

    One thing I will say is that with all PCs and many laptops, some mouse settings remain in their previous state until power is completely cycled off and back on. On a PC, this means shutting down and unplugging from the wall (or flipping master power switch on the back of the power supply), then booting up again. On some laptops, this mean unplugging the power supply/charger and in some cases, even removing the battery too. Just something to keep in mind when running through the following. Good luck.

    Mouse cursor is moving in the opposite direction on Windows PC

    Mouse Is Going the Wrong Direction – Here's How to Invert
  3. firedragon

    firedragon Private E-2

    Well thankyou for that. Unfortunately, none of that worked, I did everything both sites said to do.. guess I am reaching out to a tech here.. Thanks for your help.
  4. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Do you have a USB mouse you can plug in and see what happens?
  5. firedragon

    firedragon Private E-2

    it was a usb mouse. So I just went and bought a new one. and it works like it should. So I guess it was the mouse..
  6. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    That is really odd.
    Well, you could swap that one back in (or connect to another computer) and see if the problem returns. If not, then I guess you have a spare mouse.

    Really curious now so please keep us posted.

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