Mouse Stops Working

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by RightGirl, Sep 16, 2004.

  1. RightGirl

    RightGirl Private First Class

    What would be the reason for a mouse to stop working?

    You can still toggle between programs and function with the keyboard so system isn't locking up. Plugged in another "functioning" mouse, and it does the same thing. Works for a while, and then just stops. You have to reboot to get it going again.

    Running Windows ME
    40Gb HD
    900 Mhz Processor
    128 MB Ram

  2. Peabody

    Peabody Private E-2

    Is it USB or PS2?
  3. RightGirl

    RightGirl Private First Class

    the mouse is PS2
  4. Morgan19

    Morgan19 Specialist

    Can you try using the USB connection and seeing if it still freezes?


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