Moved From Win 7 To Win 10 & Softwares Issue.

Discussion in 'Software' started by theremotedr, Feb 26, 2025.

  1. theremotedr

    theremotedr Master Sergeant

    I was using a few different types of software on my Windows 7 pc.
    The Pc would be 32bit but also 64bit somehow. Not sure of correct terminology.

    Some would install from cd & some from an exe.

    Now moved to a new Pc which is using Windows 10 & 64bit

    Some software will now not work.
    I insert cd & click the setup file or Autoryn but told Cannot install on this Pc.

    Please advise a workaround if possible so I can use them again.

    Yet again a terminology issue, Can I mount something for them to be used, if so please advise what I need to use etc.

  2. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    What is the exact error? 64bit will not run on 32, but 32 will run on 64, so it matters.
  3. theremotedr

    theremotedr Master Sergeant

    The new Pc is running Windows 10 64 bit.
    So that should cover the software from my Win 7 pc but I’m sure it was 32 bit.
    I click on the setup file & see a message THIS APP CANT RUN ON THIS PC
  4. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Try going into the properties and changing compatibility?

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