MS-7050 mobo

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Nico_Palm, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. Nico_Palm

    Nico_Palm Specialist

    Hi, I have a Msi MS-7050 ver. 1.3 motherboard. I've been searching google for a week now, and I cannot find the specs for the board. I want to add more RAM and a better video card, but need the specs so I know what parts to get.

    does anyone know where I can find all the info for this motherboard?

    please and thanks,
  2. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Google says this MB is for a HP Compaq DX5150. Here are the specs.
  3. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Some additional info with pics here.
  4. Nico_Palm

    Nico_Palm Specialist

    Thanks tgell,

    one more question, when adding RAM.. do I have to add equal amounts to each bank (black bank, and blue bank)..

    like say I have 2 x 256MB already in the 1st bank.. do I also have to add 2 chips to the 2nd bank, or can I get away with only running 3 chips, 2 in one bank, and a single chip in the 2nd bank..

    and does this apply to all sizes of RAM, 256, 512, 1G?

    it came with 2 x 256M pc3200 DDR cl3 in there, is there anything better I can put in that this motherboard can handle?

    im thinking 4 x 512.. but I'd like to know if I can put 2 x 1G combined with 2 x 512M

  5. Nico_Palm

    Nico_Palm Specialist

    also this is what everest reports..

    CPU Type AMD Athlon 64, 1800 MHz (9 x 200) 3000+
    Motherboard Name Unknown
    Motherboard Chipset ATI Radeon Xpress 200, AMD Hammer
    System Memory 445 MB (PC3200 DDR SDRAM)
    BIOS Type Award (08/09/05)
    Communication Port Communications Port (COM1)
    Communication Port ECP Printer Port (LPT1)

    I always thought DDR and SDRAM were 2 completey different types of RAM?

    single data rate, and double data rate.. so how could mine be both?

    yes im a noobie.. be nice :(

    I'm trying to learn lol

    I wish I had known about everest when looking for the specs for my motherboard lol
  6. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I'll let someone more knowledgeable help you with RAM placement but it appears you would be alright running just one module in the second bank. From Crucial.
  7. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    You cannot put anything else other than DDR ram on this motherboard. Also DDR and SDRAM are two different things. DDR meaning Double Data Rate and SDRAM meaning Synchronous dynamic random access memory. All DDR ram is SDRAM. I am not sure if your computer supports Dual Channel. Your Computer supports 4GB max.

    I'd like to know if I can put 2 x 1G combined with 2 x 512M: You will be fine with this. I would put 1 X 1GB and 1 X 512MB in the each of the banks.

    Can I get away with only running 3 chips, 2 in one bank, and a single chip in the 2nd bank: Yes, but if you have Dual Channel, You would put 1 each of the same size in each of the channels and fill up channel A with what was left.

    What is Dual Channel Memory & How do I use it Correctly?

    Sorry: Missed sach2' post.
  8. Nico_Palm

    Nico_Palm Specialist


    for kicks and giggles i grabbed a 3rd 256M chip and plugged it into the 1st slot of bank B, and on boot got a message telling me to remove the new memory, so it does not support single channel.

    that link was useful, thanks lol

    it's only running 32 bit windows, so I wont go for 4Gs of RAM, windows wont even use it all.. 3g's should be plenty. so it must be 1.5G's in each bank matched exactly for best performance.

    PC3200 being best Im guessing? as i didnt see anything higher than that listen anywhere.

    Thanks all ;)

    time to speed the girl up.
  9. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Are you sure the third module was DDR? Sometimes a motherboard doesn't like a particular brand of RAM. I wonder if you took out one of your current modules and put the extra module in that slot (so still just two modules) if it would boot?
  10. Nico_Palm

    Nico_Palm Specialist

    3rd module:

    Infineon HYS64D32300GU-5-C

    256M DDR 400 CL3

    nope didn't try that,

    will give it a go and see what happens lol

    I like trial and error, its fun :)

    as long as i stay grounded ;)
  11. Nico_Palm

    Nico_Palm Specialist


    I tried moving all 3 modules around.. any combination of 2 worked fine, any combination of all 3 gave this mess age at the POST:

    "Your system does not support your current memory configuration. Please power down and refer to the user manual for more information."
  12. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Well, it seems you are correct it doesn't like single channel. I guess you should go with your plan:

    Or if you are running XP just adding two 1GB modules to your two 256mb should be plenty of RAM.

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