Msi Motherboard Shuts Down My Mouse And Keyboard

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by OurFreeSociety, Sep 11, 2024.

  1. OurFreeSociety

    OurFreeSociety Private E-2

    Please don't take offense, but I'm only looking for die hard savvy geeks who don't try to control me and tell me what to use on my own computer.

    I do NOT want to switch to Windows 10 and I have many reasons for this I won't discuss in public, but will say it's ALL about CONTROL. I don't care about the propaganda spread worldwide about "end of life," so there's no need in trying to convince me.

    Due to a previous desktop with an older MB, DDR 3 memory, etc. no longer working due to crashes because I think the computer store broke the MB when they put my hardware together (it had been in pieces when I moved from overseas), I had to buy all new hardware except the HDs & power supply.

    I purchased the MSI MAG B550 TOMAHAWK AM4 AMD B550 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX AMD Motherboard.

    When I took it to another computer guy (different city) he said Win 7 wouldn't work on it. I freaked out at my website coder since he's the one who told me what to buy, & he searched online & found others who ARE using Win 7 with this MB.

    He did say I was going to need a PS2 mouse because the USB mouse wouldn't work until the drivers were installed. I got an PS2 adapter.

    So the mouse did work in BIOS with no issues, and we finally got the BIOS to recognize the thumb drive with Win on it, it installed the first part of Win, but after it restarted, the MB literally SHUT DOWN my keyboard and mouse so I couldn't do anything.

    I was furious.

    Then I said ok, get me over to the new SSD I had working win Win 7 on the other computer, we got to that screen & AGAIN, it stopped me from typing in my password. It shut down my mouse and keyboard.

    Can someone help me to figure this out. I do NOT want Win 10, & this is ridiculous that this MB is stopping me.

    Thanks a ton
  2. risk_reversal

    risk_reversal MajorGeek

    According to this YouTube video, it appears that you should be able to install Win7 on a Ryzen mobo with a B550 chipset. If that was the question that you were asking.

    Good Luck
  3. OurFreeSociety

    OurFreeSociety Private E-2

    I have no idea what that is LOL, but I'll ask the website coder. Thanks :)
  4. OurFreeSociety

    OurFreeSociety Private E-2

    Update: I ordered a PS2 mouse which should arrive on Friday. I was using a adapter someone sold me & it doesn't work. I'm praying it works. Thanks
  5. Maxwell

    Maxwell Folgers

    I understand your frustration with the situation. It sounds like you've been through quite a bit trying to get Windows 7 to work on your new MSI MAG B550 TOMAHAWK motherboard. Here are a few steps and considerations that might help you resolve the issue:

    1. USB 3.0 Drivers: Windows 7 does not natively support USB 3.0, which could be why your keyboard and mouse are not working after the initial installation. You can try integrating USB 3.0 drivers into your Windows 7 installation media using tools like NTLite or the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool.

    2. BIOS Settings: Ensure that the USB settings in the BIOS are configured correctly. Sometimes, enabling "Legacy USB Support" can help with compatibility issues.

    3. PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse: Since you mentioned using a PS/2 adapter, make sure both the keyboard and mouse are connected via PS/2 during the installation process. This can help bypass the USB driver issue until you can install the necessary drivers.

    4. Driver Installation: Once you have Windows 7 installed, you will need to manually install the chipset and USB drivers for your motherboard. You can download these from the MSI website at

    5. Compatibility Mode: If you have access to another computer, you can try creating a custom Windows 7 installation ISO with the necessary drivers pre-included. This can sometimes resolve issues with newer hardware.
    OurFreeSociety likes this.
  6. OurFreeSociety

    OurFreeSociety Private E-2

    Ok, can you please tell me how to put the drivers into the Win 7 on the stick?

    Also, do you know where the drivers are in the Win 7 file for USB 3.0?

    My website coder doesn't know how to get them out of the setup file.

    Last edited: Sep 13, 2024
  7. Maxwell

    Maxwell Folgers

  8. OurFreeSociety

    OurFreeSociety Private E-2

    Ok, update:

    1. The MSI tool doesn't work and we can't find anything with this error message. I've tried 2 different sticks although they are older. One Scandisk, the other Toshiba. "create bootable usb failed"

    2. We still couldn't find the drivers, but eventually we did. Here they are for others.

    3. We tried Rufus, but that doesn't allow you to add the drivers.

    4. Now we are using the Windows 7 usbdvd download tool from this forum here,2.html

    5. That wouldn't install, it kept looking for files and spinning and spinning and then I couldn't cancel or X out, I had to got to task manager. We downloaded it from here

    6. That didn't work, it kept spinning as before, again had to use task manager.

    7. Then we DLed ntlite and we got stuck there because we don't know how to add the drivers, only add the ISO. Can you give us instructions please? There's no real instructions online.

  9. Maxwell

    Maxwell Folgers

    This vids and pages may help you, where the process is similar:
    NTLite: The Complete Guide for Slipstreaming Updates and Drivers (
    How to Integrate Drivers to Windows.iso (
    Integrate DRIVERS into Windows ISO Step by Step Full guide w/TIMESTAMPS (
    Can I add drivers to the image in the Free version? | NTLite Forums

    How to customise your own Windows installation image with NTLite | vSkills

    Derived from the above, step-by-Step Guide to Integrate Drivers with NTLite

    1. Download and Install NTLite:
      • Download NTLite from the official website.
      • Install and launch the application.
    2. Prepare Your Windows 7 ISO:
      • Extract the contents of your Windows 7 ISO to a folder on your computer using a tool like 7-Zip or WinRAR.
    3. Add the Windows Image:
      • In NTLite, click on the “Add” button and select “Image directory”.
      • Browse to the folder where you extracted the Windows 7 ISO and select it.
      • Select the edition of Windows 7 you want to modify and click “Load”.
    4. Integrate Drivers:
      • Go to the “Drivers” section in NTLite.
      • Click on “Add” and browse to the folder where you have your USB 3.0 drivers. You can download these drivers from the link you provided or from the MSI website.
      • Add the drivers to both the “Boot.wim” and “Install.wim” images:
        • Boot.wim: This is used during the initial setup phase.
        • Install.wim: This is the main Windows image.
    5. Apply Changes:
      • Click on “Apply” in the toolbar.
      • In the “Apply” section, make sure to check “Create ISO” to generate a new ISO file with the integrated drivers.
      • Click “Process” to start the integration process.
    6. Create Bootable USB:
      • Use a tool like Rufus to create a bootable USB drive from the new ISO file:
        • Open Rufus and select your USB drive.
        • Choose the new ISO file you created with NTLite.
        • Click “Start” to create the bootable USB drive.
  10. OurFreeSociety

    OurFreeSociety Private E-2

    Hi there,

    Thanks a ton for that. :)

    So we went through the process, we are just putting it on Rufus:

    Just some further details for anyone else who needs this info. We didn't know which images to apply to because there were 4 of them, so we applied all of them.

    1. At the end of step 3, it's going to go through several processes, and they go from 0 to 100% several times. It took several minutes before the drivers showed up on the left column.

    2. At step 4, there 4 different images listed. Here's a SS - After reloading the software, now there's only 3.

    3. Only one image loaded the drivers and the other ones said the drivers already existed.

    4. We put everything on the stick (older Toshiba), started the installation, and we still don't have the mouse & keyboard on the desktop. :(

    Help please. This is terrible that there's so many issues. Hopefully you can figure it out.

    Thank you from all of my heart.
  11. OurFreeSociety

    OurFreeSociety Private E-2

    P.S. I put the files on another USB stick that did work before on this laptop I'm using & same issue.

    Just one thing that may or may not matter.

    When it went to the black screen that lists all of my HDs that have Windows on it, old SSD, new SSD, etc., it showed 2 instances of Win 7. I can't rename them b/c I still don't have Windows installed.

    When it rebooted again during the installation process, it removed one of the Win 7s so there was only one. I have no idea if this is the installation from last week or the new one with the USB drivers on it.


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