Mystery beep sound every three minutes

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by ginfarmer, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. ginfarmer

    ginfarmer Private E-2

    Without any advance notice or any action by me, some kind of device has been downloaded to my system that produces a kind of beep sound every three minutes. I can’t eliminate it with my speaker volume adjuster. I ran a hard drive search for three words-- “timer,” “reminder” and “alert”—and came up with nothing that relates to this thing. Does anybody know what this is, and if so how I can remove it? The damned thing is driving me nuts.
  2. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    Welcome to to the forum:)After a little search it sounds like you have been infected with a piece of malware called infinite beep,rather than me giving you instructions on how to remove shouldn't be hard as far as I can tell you can remove it via add remove programs but that may not remove all the malware files,there may be others than have infected you.

    I'm directing you to the malware forum,follow the read and run me first to the letter before posting a log:)

    Once you have run these steps post your problem in the malware forum along with the requested logs:)
  3. ginfarmer

    ginfarmer Private E-2

    Many, many thanks.
    You were right. I ran Spybot and although it didn't detect anything, it stopped the beep.
    I appreciate your help.

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