Need Help about OpenGL which verison? because I have errors in few games... read msg!

Discussion in 'Software' started by elindauer5, Aug 12, 2006.

  1. elindauer5

    elindauer5 Private E-2

    I need to figure out where can I download driver or extensions that will stop showing errors such as GL_EXT Compiled_vertex_array and GL_ARB_mutlitextures and GL_ARB_texture_compression so I believed it is coming from OpenGL right? Sighs that errors showed up in game called City of Villains so that why I hope someone relpy back with help!

    I called Dell and they do not know anything which really sucks. I have Nvidia Go 7300 and it has 256MB on card so umm... my processor is DUO as two cpus and speed is 2.0ghz each. I have 2.0 GB ram DDR on laptop too. Hmm..

    Let me know please thanks,

  2. elindauer5

    elindauer5 Private E-2

    I forgot to add to this reply for file to look at...

    Attached Files:

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