Need Help - Driver Cleaner 2006

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by giojvm, Aug 4, 2007.

  1. giojvm

    giojvm Private E-2

    I seem to have a very recent version of Driver Cleaner 2006 and need help with removal. My attached list of files from a Highjack scan did not show any of the files to remove from the previous post that I read (from nesquirrel). I also see no files with 'Drive Cleaner' listed, but I used AVG, Spybot S&D, and Ad-Aware, and none of them could remove Drive Cleaner 2006 which showed up in my scans.

    Any guidance on the attached and which files to remove are greatly appreciated.

    Thanks much,

    Attached Files:

  2. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    Welcome to Major Geeks!

    Most people are under the very mistaken misconception that HijackThis is a scanning and detection tool. It is not! HijackThis is simply a tool that is used to identify browser hijackers and in some cases it will show entries for some malware that is for instance running at startup. A HijackThis log shows the following:
    • a running process list with no reference to good or bad
    • it lists the contents of a selected group of registry keys that is an an extremely small subset of the tens of thousands of keys that may exist. Again no reference to good or bad.
    • and some of the above keys that are shown may show some non-Microsoft system services that are running. Again with no reference to good or bad.
    The decision on what is good or bad is left a person with significant Windows and malware cleaning experience.

    HijackThis does not come close to showing all malware that could be hiding on a PC. Anyone who has an infected computer and is relying on HijackThis without the benefit of running other scans such as Spybot, Windows Defender, BitDefender & Panda, CCleaner, etc. are more than likely still infected. In most cases, where there is one virus/trojan there are more.

    The goal of this forum is to remove all malware, and this cannot be done properly by just seeing a HijackThis log especially when HijackThis is not properly installed and renamed.

    NOTE: You have 3 antivirus programs! You must uninstall all but one. You will see this in step 3 of the READ ME.

    Please follow our standard cleaning procedures which are necessary for us to provide you support. Also there are steps included for installing, renaming, running, and posting HijackThis logs as attachments.
    • Run ALL the steps in this Sticky thread READ & RUN ME FIRST Before Asking for Support
    • Make sure you check version numbers and get all updates.
    • Very Important: Make sure you tell us the results from running the tutorial...was anything found? Were you unable to complete any of the scans?...Were you unable to download any of the tools?...Did you do the on-line scans as suggested? etc.
    • After doing ALL of the above you still have a problem make sure you have booted to normal mode and run the steps in the below link to properly use HijackThis and attach a log:
    Make sure you also rename HijackThis.exe as suggested in the procedures. Use analyse.exe for the new name. This is very important due to some new infections going around.
    • When you return to make your next post, make sure you attach the following logs and that you have run these scans in the following order too:
      • CounterSpy - only for Windows XP, 2K, & NT users
      • AVG Antispyware log - ONLY IF NEEDED you were not able to run CounterSpy. - only for Windows XP, 2K, & NT users
      • Bitdefender - from step 6
      • Panda Scan - from step 6
      • runkeys.txt - the log from GetRunKey.bat
      • newfiles.txt - the log from ShowNew.bat
      • HijackThis
    NOTE: You can only attach 3 files in a single message so it will require that you use two messages to attach all of these logs!

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