Need help identifying why google keeps closing down

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Junie Moon, Aug 22, 2006.

  1. Junie Moon

    Junie Moon Private E-2

    Hi, I'm not certain if I am able to get any help here on Major Geeks, but it seems lately when I am on the internet via Google, Google will just shut down and then immediately start over again asking if I want to send the error report. Does this kind of behavior indicate a possible virus on my computer.

    My apologies if I have mistakenly used this forum incorrectly.

    Kindest Regards,
  2. deejemon

    deejemon Private E-2

    Google is a website, just like the MajorGeeks website, it's not a computer program and cannot crash. It sounds as if the browser you are using to access the web is crashing. The program may be something like Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, or something else.

    If you are on a Windows PC, you should make sure you have a virus scanner, and a spyware scanner installed. Make sure they are up-to-date.
    If you are on a Mac, you don't need to because there are no viruses out there which could cause this.

    Also make sure the plug-ins that your browser uses are up-to-date. Flash, QuickTime, Shockwave, RealPlayer, Windows Media Player and Java are very common plug-ins for browsers. Make sure you have the current version, because old versions can cause your browser to crash.

    If you have any add-ons for your browser, such as extra toolbars in Internet Explorer, or extensions in Firefox, you should try disabling or uninstalling them to see if they are causing the problem.

    If you are using Internet Explorer for Windows, or Safari for Mac, you should make sure your operating system is up-to-date. Microsoft and Apple use these operating system updates to patch their respective browsers for compatibility and security. Use the Software Update tool that comes with your operating system to get any updates that apply to your computer.

    You should also look through your browser's preferences to find options to clear your cache, history, cookies and temporary files. These can help, but be aware that removing cookies will mean that most websites that "remember" who you are (eg: this forum may remember you without you having to log in again) will "forget" who you are and you'll need to use your username and password to get back into them. Clearing your history will mean that your browser won't remember all those pages you've been to in the last couple of weeks. Your bookmarks/favorites will be safe, however.

    If you are having trouble with one web browser, you may have better luck downloading and installing another one. Firefox and Opera are both good choices on either Windows or Mac, and both are much more secure than Internet Explorer, which has significant security holes that may allow unwanted software to be installed into your browser.

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