Need help on first build

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Draw7Seven, Jan 12, 2006.

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  1. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    Ok so I've finally put the whole thing together, and it just doesn't show me anything on the screen. Here's the deal: I turn on the computer, fans whirring, including the gfx card fan, cpu, case fans, psu, everything. I turn the lcd monitor on and it says "no signal," then goes straight to standby (screen off with yellow led light at bottom instead of the regular blue.) So what do I do? I can't go into BIOS and change anything, because I can't get the thing started. All the equipment is new, so there's lots to do today (like install an OS), and I can't do any of it because I can't even get any kind of interface going? By the way, the mouse lights don't come on (USB connection...) Please help?!?!:confused: :eek:
  2. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    Sounds like a faulty motherboard. Get it checked by your retailer.
  3. thesmokingun

    thesmokingun MajorGeek

    maybe reset the bios before doing that, and disconnect any pci cards that you dont need, see if that works. but otherwise, it's prob the mobo
  4. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    I'm just thrilled to hear that I probably get to send my mobo all the way back to California (Newegg) just to get my new comp to work... Like I said, I can't get into the BIOS since nothing at all shows up on screen, so theres nothing to clear or whatever you said. I have a Radeon X800GTO Fireblade Edition in the PCI-E slot, and thats the only slot I'm using. All I can think is that I have to maybe get the mobo to recognize that? Or something? But like I said, I can't do ANYTHING other than hardware stuff since I can't see the screen. I have no OS yet or anything, so this really sucks for me. I'm just hoping somebody'll say no no you just need to do this...

    But yeah maybe more info would help:
    ASUS A8N-E Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce4 Ultra ATX AMD Mobo
    Aspire 500 Watt PSU
    Athlon X2 3800+ Manchester CPU
    Radeon X800 GTO Fireblade Edition
    2gB of Corsair XMS RAM
    Completely Empty Seagate 250GB HDD

    Thanks again. :(
  5. Wavetar

    Wavetar Sergeant

    I'd suspect the video card before the mobo. Too bad it doesn't have on-board video to help with the troubleshooting. I'd try to get my hands on another video card to to quickly swap & see if that's the problem. Also, if you're only using a single stick of RAM, it must be in "slot 3" or it won't work...kind of counter intuitive. If you're using more than a single stick, try them separately to make sure one of them isn't bad.
  6. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    Thanks for the reply, I'd be very relieved if it were the graphics card instead of the motherboard (though either way I'd have to send one or the other back to Newegg). One more thing: where does the mobo get its support for running that gfx card until I install the drivers? For instance, would I have to have a Windows CD in the drive in order to see anything on the monitor, or is this definitely a hardware problem? My only hope is that this burnt Windows CD isn't working, and that if I put in my original, it will work. Thanks again.
  7. Wavetar

    Wavetar Sergeant

    Any video card will by default have VGA support to allow you to see the loading screen & bios, etc. So it wouldn't be a driver issue. Did you try alternating a single stick of RAM in slot #3?
  8. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    I have 2, and my mobo has slots "A1, A2, B1, and B2." The one thing I remember reading from the mobo manual about RAM placement was that to dual channel, I had to put one DIMM in slot A1, and one in B1. I've done that. If it would help, I could check the manual for what to do with one DIMM, or I could put it in whatever the equivalent of "slot 3" is.

    It kills me to get my first build, and have it not work...
  9. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    The most likely thing, and it's easy to check, is how it's physically installed. Double and triple check everything.

    Regardless of how experienced or not you are, we've all made mistakes, and more times than I can remember.
  10. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    if the usb isnt working either, AND there is no signal to the monitor, i think its the mobo as well, as the vid card and mouse are plugged into the mobo itself. Maybe im wrong, but how would the ram be affecting the display and usb power? and no thats not a rhetorical question :)
  11. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    Well, I opened her up, and took out one DIMM, leaving only one stick in (slot B1, I looked it up.) I also went ahead and double checked the connection for the gfx card-- by that I mean I took it out and put it back in to place. I considered even following the steps in the handbook to clear the CMOS, but it seems like I really shouldn't have anything in there, since its a new... everything. That managed to make my mouse lights come back on (yay!) but that's about all it seemed to do. Anyways, right now its looking like I'll take it to school tomorrow, put a crappy gfx card in it, and see if I can just get to the bios, get Windows on there, etc. That would be a start, because since I bought my gfx card "OEM," maybe I could update the drivers if I could just get the rig online to do that... luckily, I have this comp to post on.

    Thanks for all the replies, I was (and still am) pretty stressed about this one. One more thing: I ordered my comp in 2 "batches", the last one being RAM, HDD, and gfx card. I admit that I turned the thing on without those three pieces a few times just to see the LED lights... could that have done serious damage? And if so, don't tell the warranty department at NewEgg or Asus!

    Thanks so much, keep posting any ideas please!
  12. ASUS

    ASUS MajorGeek

    I wouldnt say anything is dead yet.

    First thing when stresssed out, Take a break!

    1st Question?
    Do you have an onboard speaker connected to your MOBO?
    If so, did you hear any beepcodes?
    Many thing's can cause failed post/boot or no video. ( the first things I would check is Memory is it seated correctly then rhe same for Video card, then make sure the MOBO isnt shorted/grounded such as improperly placed standoff or loose screw)

    Another Tip: Always use basic ps2 keyboard & ps2 mouse for setup of new build until windows or another OS is installed!!

    Here's what I would do :
    First thing, review all manuals instructions, lititure etc.
    Take everything apart, including removal of MOBO from case.
    Make sure the MOBO standoffs are in the correct positions
    Next reasemble using only the basic hardware as follows:
    CPU & HSF
    One stick memory
    Video card
    PS2 Keyboard & Mouse
    Onboard speaker connected to mobo ft pannel header

    ( Note! I didnt list HDD, CD, DVD er floppy nor any case fans cause you dont need them to post or access BIOS, If you can post with the above basic hardware then you can add the other goodies)

    Then double check everything.

    Then the next step before turning on the Power is You Must Reset the CMOS.
    After reset then Power up Post & access Bios check settings adj as needed then save & exit.
    Turn off system connect other hardware or Post the statis of your build

    Good luck!
    Let me know
  13. Feanor23x

    Feanor23x Private E-2

    How big is your power supply?
  14. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    OK I followed all of those VERY GOOD directions, and I ended up realizing a few things, and just having more questions. For instance, there's a port on my mobo labeled ATX 12V. I have no clue why I didn't make the connection the first time I built the comp, but I plugged that in from the PSU this time. I also noticed that I had one extra standoff in the case, touching the mobo, but with no screw hole. So i removed that. Bottom line is, that mobo speaker is like, going crazy on me now. Like I started up, and the thing just beeps for about a full second, then goes another second or two off, then back on a full second, etc. Almost like an alarm? I forgot to erase the CMOS. I'll do that, too. Anyways, keep me posted on things like what the ATX 12V did for me and if there might possibly be a port on the PCI-E card that I have to plug into with anything. I'll go erase the CMOS.

  15. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    Just erased it. No change, still the very annoying mobo speaker yelling at me, and "No Signal" to the monitor. Sigh...
  16. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    System specs all above...
  17. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    I still strongly suggest you check everything and read all the accompanying paperwork.

    Unless you want to wait in the hope someone stumbles on it, or your PC blows up?
  18. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    Unfortunately, my gfx card was "OEM", so there's no paperwork (and very bad tech support) for it. I'll read over the motherboard guide even more, but I feel like I've pretty much covered it. Right now I'm at school, probably gonna try to get a crappy gfx card and see if that'll work. Anyways, does anybody know what the speaker beeping like that is? Is that POST failing?

    Losing hope... thanks.
  19. Orbital57

    Orbital57 Private First Class

    The beeping sounds (to me, a blatant noob) like a POST error, there should be descriptions of these in the manual for your Mobo (number of beeps, long and short etc). Hopefully that will tell you the error, if not then the manufacturers website and the good people here will, I'm sure.

    Good luck, I'm about to build my first too so I'm reading threads like this avidly... ;)
  20. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    OK, so I've come up with even more info (just surfing the net at school.) My mobo doesn't support X2 processors until I get the latest BIOS update... but that means I have to somehow update the BIOS without being able to see anything on the screen... and that might not even be the primary problem. So basically, I may just be screwed. How am I supposed to update the BIOS without having it up and running? btw I'll check my POST beeps thing when I get home, should have brought the manual. Anyways, I've got a 3 day weekend to figure this stuff out... keep posting plz!
  21. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

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