Need Help To Re-install Excel

Discussion in 'Software' started by brad1431, Jan 20, 2025 at 9:52 AM.

  1. brad1431

    brad1431 Private E-2

    I was trying to clean up my laptop since it has been running oddly. I downloaded some stuff here that helped a lot, but then still was having performance issues, so I figured it was due to too many programs. I went to add/remove programs to see what has been installed recently, since I rarely add new programs. I saw something downloaded today, and I havent installed anything, so I uninstalled it.

    Then I went to open a master excel file where I track lots different thing for all my hobbies, and the file was gone. It is like now microsoft excel was deleted and only some cloud files, which I never do anything in the cloud are there. How do I re-install this program that I uninstalled or how do I download a free excel and get that file back?

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