Need Help

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by sgt_tugboat, May 21, 2008.

  1. sgt_tugboat

    sgt_tugboat Private E-2

    Hello everyone. i'm new as of today and believe that my computer has become infected by a virus. i downloaded HijackThis and follwed the instructions properly. They did a system scan and i saved a stored log/notepad. before deleting items, they stated to get outside help in directed me what item/s to delete. can anyone help me? if so get back to me ASAP and i will copy and paste the log for others to see. thank you.
  2. Cat_w_9_lives

    Cat_w_9_lives Major KittyCat

    Hello and Welcome to MajorGeeks, please do the READ & RUN ME FIRST here:

    The above link will give you directions on how to clean your pc of malware, if you still need help after following procedures you can post the requested logs in the Malware Forum as attachments and they will help you.

    The Malware Forum does not read logs unless you follow procedures, the HiJack log is a tool and does not remove malware on its own. If you follow the link you will get rid of your problem.
  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

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