Need Virus Help

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by deegazzo, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. deegazzo

    deegazzo Private First Class

    Hello MG,

    I am back again and not sure exactly of my problem. I have been using IE7 and in the past week and a half while on the net get some sort of AV takes over windows saying my pc is infected and i need to clean it. When this happens it is showing I have hundreds of infections and it locks my pc up. Both times I had to use Alt/Delete to get out of it, then had to reboot into safe mode. I've run the Read and Run Me and have logs for ya'll. I am now also using FF for my browser instead of IE.
    PC Specs
    Win XP Home
    Service Pack 3
    Intel [R]
    Pentium [R] 4CPU 2.80 GHz
    2.79 GHz, 1.00 GB of Ram
    32 - bit system
    I have AVG Free 9.0
    Comodo Firewall

    Ah also, both times this "software" told me my AVG was infected as well.

    Attached Files:

  2. deegazzo

    deegazzo Private First Class

    and here is the MGlogs as well. hope I've done this right.


    Attached Files:

  3. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    Hello, deegazzo

    I am currently reviewing your logs and will get back to you with a set of instructions as soon as possible. Our queue is working the oldest threads first.

    Thanks for your patience.
  4. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    The below fixes and advice are specific to this member's problem and should be used for issue(s) on this machine only.

    Hello, deegazzo - please do not install any other software while we are still working with you unless instructed. Once we have given you the all clean and final instructions you will be free to install what you want.

    You didn't follow our instructions regarding the proper directory for saving RootRepeal - you have it here:
    "C:\" as well as a folder named "C:\RootRepeal".
    Delete the folder "RootRepeal" and move "" to C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop
    *In fact, there are a number of installers and folders under your C:\ directory that should be moved elsewhere. Examples= C:\My Downloads and/or C:\Program Files

    I'm not seeing any rogue applications, so let's do this:

    Step 1:
    Run C:\MGtools\analyse.exe by double clicking on it (Note: if using Vista, don't double click, use right click and select Run As Administrator). This is really HijackThis (select Do a system scan only) and select the following lines but DO NOT CLICK FIX until you exit all browser sessions including the one you are reading in right now:

    After clicking Fix, exit HJT.

    Step 2:
    Now we need to use ComboFix to fix some things (including removing some left-overs).
    • Make sure that combofix.exe that you downloaded while doing the READ & RUN ME is on your Desktop but Do not run it!
      • If it is not on your Desktop, the below will not work.
    • Make sure you have shut down all protection software (antivirus, antispyware, firewall...etc) programs so they do not interfere with the running of ComboFix. *Remember to re-start them before coming back online.
    • If ComboFix tells you it needs to update to a new version, make sure you allow it to update.
    • Open Notepad and copy/paste the text in the below code box into it (make sure you scroll all the way down in the code box to get all lines selected ):
    • Save the above as CFscript.txt and make sure you save it to the same location (should be on your Desktop) as ComboFix.exe
    • At this point, you MUST EXIT ALL BROWSERS NOW before continuing!
    • You should have both the ComboFix.exe and CFScript.txt icons on your Desktop.
      If it asks you to overide the previous file with the same name, click YES.
    • Now use your mouse to drag CFscript.txt on top of ComboFix.exe
    • Follow the prompts.
    • When it finishes, a log will be produced named c:\combofix.txt

    Do not mouseclick combofix's window while it is running. That may cause it to stall.

    Step 3:
    Open CCleaner - select "Cleaner" > "Run Cleaner" <---use this function ONLY!

    Step 4:
    Then run the C:\MGtools\GetLogs.bat file by double clicking on it (Note: if using Vista, use right click and select Run As Administrator).

    Please attach the new C:\ file to your next reply.

    * Make sure you tell me if you had any problems running this procedure and give a description of how things are working now!

  5. deegazzo

    deegazzo Private First Class

    ok will go do these now, i've been afraid to get on and do much of anything. will be back tomorrow with the new log for ya.

    Thanks and Huggz
  6. deegazzo

    deegazzo Private First Class

    Ok I've went ahead and did this up tonight and am attaching the MGlog zip but I have another thing that did happen today.
    While playing a game of solitaire earlier, down in the bottom corner by the clock a red badge thing showed up(i'm sure it is the one for winxp) and then a scan started by itself.
    Here is the only info I was able to get from that:
    XP Guardian 2010 - 33 Critical System Objects.
    And of course it wanted me to get the subscription.


    Attached Files:

  7. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    Step 1:
    Please update Malwarebyte's definitions and run a new "Quick Scan". I will ask for that new log.

    Step 2:
    Then - Go to TDSSKiller and Download to your Desktop
    • Extract its contents to your Desktop so that you have TDSSKiller.exe directly on your Desktop and not in any subfolder of the Desktop.
    • Click Start > Run and copy/paste the following bold command into Run box and hit Enter.
    "%userprofile%\Desktop\TDSSKiller.exe" -v

    • Follow the instructions to type in "delete" when it asks you what to do when if finds something.
    • When done, a log file should be created on your C: drive named something like TDSSKiller.2.1.1_27.12.2009_14.17.04_log.txt which is based on the program version # and date and time run. Please attach this log to your next reply.

    Step 3:
    Now we need to use ComboFix again.
    • Make sure that combofix.exe that you downloaded while doing the READ & RUN ME is on your Desktop but Do not run it!
      • If it is not on your Desktop, the below will not work.
    • Make sure you have shut down all protection software (antivirus, antispyware, firewall...etc) programs so they do not interfere with the running of ComboFix. *Remember to re-start them before coming back online.
    • If ComboFix tells you it needs to update to a new version, make sure you allow it to update.
    • Open Notepad and copy/paste the text in the below code box into it (make sure you scroll all the way down in the code box to get all lines selected ):
    • Save the above as CFscript.txt and make sure you save it to the same location (should be on your Desktop) as ComboFix.exe
    • At this point, you MUST EXIT ALL BROWSERS NOW before continuing!
    • You should have both the ComboFix.exe and CFScript.txt icons on your Desktop.
      If it asks you to overide the previous file with the same name, click YES.
    • Now use your mouse to drag CFscript.txt on top of ComboFix.exe
    • Follow the prompts.
    • When it finishes, a log will be produced named c:\combofix.txt

    Step 4:
    Open CCleaner - select "Cleaner" > "Run Cleaner" <---use this function ONLY!

    Step 5:
    Now go to this link MGTools and download the new version of MGtools....overwrite your previous MGtools.exe file with this one.

    Then run the C:\MGtools\GetLogs.bat file by double clicking on it (Note: if using Vista, use right click and select Run As Administrator).

    Please attach the below logs to your next reply:
    • C:\
    • new MBAMLog.txt

    * Make sure you tell me if you had any problems running this procedure; and answer this - "What malware problems are you still experiencing?"

  8. deegazzo

    deegazzo Private First Class

    ok scans have run, i sure hope ya can figure this out.
    logs attached.


    Attached Files:

  9. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    Hello, Dee

    I'm about to head to work, but please tell me-
    "What malware problems are you still having"?

  10. deegazzo

    deegazzo Private First Class

    ok it's been almost two days since i ran the last scans asked for and so far so good, the "whatever" it is that keeps telling me my pc has so many infections i've not seen yet. so hopefully that problem is now fixed. all i can say is thank you and ya'll are the bestest.

  11. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member


    You're Welcome!

    Your logs look good! If you are not having any other malware problems, it is time to do our final steps:
    1. We recommend you keep SUPERAntiSpyware and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for scanning/removal of malware. Unless you purchase them, they provide no protection. They do not use any significant amount of resources ( except a little disk space ) until you run a scan.
    2. If we had you use ComboFix, uninstall ComboFix (This uninstall will only work as written if you installed ComboFix on your Desktop like we requested.)
      • Click START then RUN and enter the below into the run box and then click OK. Note the quotes are required
      • "%userprofile%\Desktop\combofix" /uninstall
        • Notes: The space between the combofix" and the /uninstall, it must be there.
        • This will uninstall ComboFix and also reset hidden files and folders settings back to Windows defaults.
    3. Any other miscellaneous tools we may have had you install or download can be uninstalled and deleted.
    4. If we had you download any registry patches like fixme.reg or fixWLK.reg (or any others), you can delete these files now.
    5. If running Vista, it is time to make sure you have reenabled UAC by double clicking on the C:\MGtools\enableUAC.reg file and allowing it to be added to the registry.
    6. Go to add/remove programs and uninstall HijackThis.
    7. Goto the C:\MGtools folder and find the MGclean.bat file. Double-click on this file to run this cleanup program that will remove files and folders related to MGtools and some other items from our cleaning procedures.
    8. If you are running Vista, Windows XP or Windows ME, do the below:
      • Refer to the cleaning procedures in step 3 the READ ME for your Window version and see the instructions to Disable System Restore which will flush your Restore Points.
      • Then reboot and Enable System Restore to create a new clean Restore Point.
    9. After doing the above, you should work through the below link:

    Safe surfing! [​IMG]

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